Monday 13 August 2012

nightskies haiku

overcast skies -

the meteor shower



Jade said...

Boo-hiss to pesky clouds--they always seem to show up just when you don't want them.

dosankodebbie said...

Your haiku expresses so much, and yet would be so simple to illustrate-- a cloudy sky! I might give it a try, if you don't mind... :p

Dartford Warbler said...

...and yet the meteor shower must be going on even in daytime. Still unseen and hidden by sunlight. Apparently it will be at its best tomorrow night, but the clouds are setting in here so I don`t suppose we will see a thing.

Ms Sparrow said...

What a shame. I would have loved to have seen your meteor shower haiku!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Juliet,

Your haiku is wonderful and really isn't that often the way, when the clouds hinder your view of something special.

Happy week

EG CameraGirl said...

OH NO! You missed the meteor showers!

Anonymous said...

At least you got a great haiku out of it Juliet :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is nice!
And, exactly how I missed the last shower.

eileeninmd said...

We missed the meteor showers here too. The clouds do seem to be around when you do not want them.

RG said...

Missed it too ... but that's OK. I don't even remember how many sore necks I've gotten looking for those things!

Marianne Wheelaghan said...

Lovely. I like 'unseen showers' :)