Saturday 4 August 2012

Moorhen chicks

We had a lovely walk along the Union Canal today. It's so warm and sunny it feels like summer (which of course it is, but this year it has rarely felt like it!)! The meadow-sweet and great hairy willow-herb were in full bloom and buzzing with bees.

 We were so happy to see this moorhen with her chicks! The photo isn't brilliant as we couldn't get very close to the birds.


Bill said...

a message from Scotland
says it feels like summer

[Around here, August is summer.]

Crafty Green Poet said...

Bill - it's summer here too, it's just that this year it hasn't felt like it very often!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Juliet,

So glad that you have a summers day there and that you were able to enjoy getting out and about.
Love the little chicks.

Happy weekend

Lucy said...

Very fond of moorhens, coots a bit less so, as I understand they bully moorhens!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Hi Lucy, coots are such bullies, they're so cruel to their own chicks very often...

Christina said...

Sweet little babies following mom.

Ms Sparrow said...

A little town in Minnesota has an annual "Coot Feed". They serve game meats and also some coot (a lot of folks call them mud hens). I understand they taste awful!

shoreacres said...

Oh, dear. I'm sorry to hear about the coots' bad behavior. That's what we have, though only in the winter. I've seen the moorhens, though, and I'm delighted to have this glimpse of the chicks.

The cycles of the seasons, and the renewal of life is marvelous. We'd better be paying attention before we muck it up entirely.

eileeninmd said...

A great sighting, to see the moorhen and her chicks.