Thursday, 28 December 2006
Haiku - dusk
Wednesday, 27 December 2006
Haiku - weathering, ageing
more masonry falls
shaken by the fireworks -
another Hogmanay.
Sunday, 24 December 2006
Climate Change - Lifestyle Change
Thursday, 21 December 2006
Season's Greetings!
A fat orange cat on a window ledge, watches
geese on the shore of Duddingston Loch.
Snow on the summit of Arthur's Seat
glistens in the light of the yellow moon.
A Christmas tree gifted by Norway
sparkles on the top of the Mound
where trees draped in white fairy lights
line the path to the ice-rink in Princes Street Gardens.
Children ride the big Ferris wheel,
adults drinking mulled wine
wander round the German market.
Silence of Snow
Blizzard uniqueness falling to earth
suspended in silence.
Myriad marvels melting in flight,
merging in crisp carpet whiteness.
Falling snow magical joy inspires dreams
of finding twin snowflakes like four leaf clovers.
After storm sky-blue highlights the landscape
as each unique snowflake loses itself
in pristine perfection of snow.
For Poetry Thursday. Both these poems have been posted on this blog before, though I have significantly rewritten Christmas in Edinburgh.
I'd like to wish Season's Greetings to all readers of this blog!
Monday, 18 December 2006
haiku - storms
torrential rain floods
through the drainage ditches -
papaya tree falls
One of the most amazing things about many storms in Malawi was the lack of thunder:
lightening forks
over the hills by the lake -
a dry, silent night
another haiku on storms on my Alter Ego blog here.
Sunday, 17 December 2006
Crafty Green Christmas 2 - Gifts
virtual gifts such as offered through Oxfam Unwrapped
organic food hampers
fair-trade items
items made by locally based craftspeople
second hand items (best check whether people mind their gifts being second hand!)
hand made goods - especially when the gifts are made from reclaimed materials. Here are some hand made gifts I have posted on this blog:
Notelets and wallet
Mirrors - bought second hand and frames painted
pot pourri bags
Monday, 11 December 2006
Save the Children's Festival of Trees
Event details here:§ion=event&subsection=details
News item in Herald:
Haiku - containers
once full of milk, wine, beer, oil –
recycle please!
secret dumping ground
for containers marked danger –
unexplained deaths.
containers - for One Deep Breath.
Saturday, 9 December 2006
Crafty Green Christmas 1 - Wrapping Gifts

I like to wrap gifts in reclaimed materials, but that doesn't need to mean tatty looking scraps of paper. In this example I covered some thinness on the first layer of paper with a piece of a contrasting paper. The two gifts are tied together with reused raffia and the gift tag is made from reclaimed card with a photo from a wildlife magazine. I posted other ideas for gift wrap last year, you can see them here and here.
Monday, 4 December 2006
Haiku - Close, Closer, Closer Still
the red canal
flows through the village -
four swans.
two young swans
with plumage speckled grey -
historic bridge.
water droplets
sparkle on the swans' backs -
Tuesday, 28 November 2006
Creative Writing Tutoring
Monday, 27 November 2006
Sunday, 26 November 2006

This notebook is made from good quality scrap card from the office, scap paper from the office, a photo from a magazine and a belt from a skirt! I've made a couple of other notebooks from similar materials, sometimes substituting old shoelaces or reused parcel ribbon for the belt. Once the notebook is used up, it can be refilled with scrap paper cut to the right size.
Thursday, 23 November 2006
Poetry Live
The poet who I most like to hear live is Ruth Padel, she has an electrifying stage presence and brings her work to life with great passion. She's also very much an environmentalist too, which of course appeals to me. I really enjoyed Sharon Olds reading recently at the Scottish Poetry Library, she has a very matter of fact delivery and a great confidence in public reading (I wrote a mini-review of the evening on my other blog Alter Ego). This makes a huge difference, some poets hide behind their books when they are reading and the words are all lost in their chins and the audience feels no sense of engagement. I know from experience how nerve wracking it can be to read your work in public, but once you have a certain level of recognition, you are expected to give performances and you might as well learn to do it with style and at least a pretence of confidence!
I'm not well recognised enough to be expected to give readings. I actually choose to do it for fun! (?) My readings have almost all been in performance poetry venues (though I don't think of myself as a performance poet!) rather than in literary venues. There are some excellent performance poets in Edinburgh and there used to be some excellent caberet nights for poets and musicians (I used to love performing at Kin, which was a low key cabaret night and Silencio was interesting too, an evening of glamour and surreal entertainment that somehow never quite lived up to expectation while at the same time always providing a very daunting audience to read to! Neither of these nights exist anymore and Big Word Poetry is too aggressive for me, though it can be credited with kickstarting the whole performance poetry scene in Edinburgh).
Maybe Edinburgh is strange in having two distinct poetry communities - the literary circuit (eg the Scottish Poetry Library, Poetry Association Scotland) where you have to have a serious track record of published work before you're invited to read and then the performance poetry world where you can often just turn up and read, though its dominated by loud aggressive comedy poets who perform their work usually without a book in sight. There are a couple of in between events. Is there this kind of distinction elsewhere?
Thoughts on Poetry Readings for Poetry Thursday.
Monday, 20 November 2006
Autumnal haiku - senses
hang ripe on the trees -
free snacks!
bonfire smoke
rises from the garden -
sharp frost.
a robin perches
on a bare branched tree –
a robin sings
a melancholy song -
first snow fall
autumn wind -
the roughness of falling leaves
brushes my hair
More haiku on the senses on my Alter Ego blog.
Senses for One Deep Breath
Thursday, 16 November 2006
This Train
if it does, it does not pass
through major towns or cities.
This train carries only cargo that is safe
or if not safe, unlikely to
explode or give off noxious fumes.
This train does not interest terrorists
and if it does, they cannot damage it
as it is impregnable.
This train is not an embarrassment
to the government, is not illegal,
does not glow in the dark.
This train does not pass
the end of your street.
If you live in the UK, you can find out whether nuclear waste is transported by train through your neighbourhood here.
This poem was slightly influenced by Woody Guthrie's song This Train is Bound for Glory, the lyrics for which are here.
Telling lies for Poetry Thursday.
Sunday, 12 November 2006
Earth Passengers
Not having ever learnt to drive
I am a constant passenger
on buses, trains and ferries
In my life I guess I want
to control the driving wheel
rather than to be controlled
by government or family
but we accept being passengers
on earth, abdicating
responsibility for the mess we're in
watching the scenery on the tv
as we hurtle through space
Destination unknown.
This is now a second draft (as the first draft was not clear in meaning to some readers), written in response to the Diana Ackerman quote as suggested by this week's Sunday Scribblings.
For more about global warming and what you can do to try to stop it getting worse, please visit:
If we all take action now and refuse to be just passengers we may be able to secure a planet worth living on for future generations.
Kekexili - Mountain Patrol
Monday, 6 November 2006
Poetic Cinema - An Artist's Date for Poetry Thursday
Much more interesting and successful for me was Neil Kempsell's visual interpretation of Sorley MacLean's poem Hallaig, about the tragic loss and memories of a highland community on the Island of Raasay. This is a stunning film of animated characters moving over filmed broken houses and landscape, as if the ghosts of the original inhabitants have returned. The soundtrack was wonderful too, composed by Martyn Bennett.
The evening ended with Bernard MacLaverty's film inspired by the Seamus Heaney poem 'Bye-Child', a film of eerie beauty with a disturbing story to tell.
After the screening Bernard MacLaverty and Neil Kempsell discussed the films and some of the challenges around adapting poetry for the screen. The most interesting discussions for me centred around narrative and how to adapt a poem to fit the narrative requirements of the cinema. Of course Margaret Tait chose to sidestep any real narrative and that for me is largely why her films didn't work. However I have seen other films that have chosen to take a non-narrative, poetic approach to their subject matter and have succeeded as a more meditative type of cinema, possibly blurring the boundary with video art. The other question is how to judge how much material to add to a poem in making it a film and where is the line between the film of a poem and a film inspired by a poem?
This week, Poetry Thursday suggested we take an Artist's Date, I think this fits the bill!
extinct volcano
towers above the city -
ancient seat of kings.
We walk through trees, yews covered in berries, silver birch with their stark white and black trunks and beeches.
autumn sunshine
through the changing beech leaves -
copper glow.
Then onward, up the hill, the wind blowing through our hair. From the main path we have stunning views across Duddingston Loch to the Firth of Forth. While on our other side cliffs rise steeply.
Crows chase kestrel
wheeling above the hillside -
bright blue sky.
Sunday, 5 November 2006
November Morning, Edinburgh

Over breakfast I watch the sunrise
fiery orange giving way
to red and grey patchwork clouds.
Colour fades then
sky clears to perfect cold blue.
Golden leaves lie crisp
on the lawn.
for Sunday Scribblings
Thursday, 2 November 2006
The Starfish Remains Untranslated
I have long wanted to write a poem with this line as a starting point and on Poetry Thursday this week we were given the challenge of taking a favourite line and using it as a starting point for thinking about poetry or writing a poem of our own. So here is a short poem inspired by that line:
The Starfish Remains Untranslated
Heavenly body fallen to earth
shining between rocks and detritus -
symbol or cosmic co-incidence?
What can it tell us
about the sea and its tides,
the galaxies,
ourselves and our lives?
Monday, 30 October 2006
Haiku - the unseen
invisible but vital -
our atmosphere
darkness –
the scent of honeysuckle
fills the garden.
For a different interpretation of the theme, see my Alter Ego blog.
Thursday, 26 October 2006
Right in Front of You
the sun came out again
warm on the face, this late October day.
From the office, I can see
sunlight play on the white football stadium
making it strangely beautiful.
Upstairs, someone else's boss is on the phone
Moaning about how horrid the day has been
'Raining cats and dogs and dark as winter'
I am my own boss, free to hear the robin sing
or watch the geese fly far overhead
against the bright blue sky.
Monday, 23 October 2006
Haiku - mystery
one golden leaf
floats slowly downriver –
harvest moon.
wide open sky
and empty mudflats –
bird calls come closer.
Sunday, 22 October 2006
Pot Pourri Bags

These two bags contain purple and gold pot pourri I bought in a second hand shop (though judging on the potency of the perfume, it was very nearly new!). The purple bag originally held a mirror and I added a fancy button from my button box as the original button had fallen off. The golden bag is made from fabric from a top I altered a while back (I've used this fabric for other things posted earlier in this blog). The gold bag is fastened with a piece of gold ribbon that came from gift wrap I think and the two are slightly precariously held together with a thin gold string.
Saturday, 21 October 2006
Our Garden

Monday, 16 October 2006
Haiku - Simple Pleasures
Crisp autumn air –
small boots kick bright coloured leaves
on the path.
These next two relate to when I lived in Malawi:
on the dusky verandah –
cicadas call.
Sun sinks behind hills
as lake merges with sky -
fishing boats parade.
Monday, 9 October 2006
Haiku - countryside
Our countryside
full of beauty and colour -
Sunday, 8 October 2006
Poet of the Week
Tuesday, 3 October 2006
Humming Bird Hawk Moths
Monday, 2 October 2006
haiku - books
in a shady spot –
the wind blows through the leaves
of my favourite book.
Sunday, 1 October 2006
Festival of the Trees Blog Carnival
Monday, 25 September 2006
Haiku - windows and doorways
outside the window -
rain lashes down
from a dark leaden sky.
outside the window –
the Mediterranean
merges with blue sky.
Then finally:
the black cat
watches over the garden –
framed by the doorway.
There's yet another haiku on this theme on my Alter Ego blog here.
Sunday, 24 September 2006
Currently Reading
I'm now reading Einstein's Dreams by Alan Lightman, a physicist and writer. This small book is a collection of imaginary dreams dreamt by Einstein as he worked on his Theory of Relativity. Each short fable looks at the essence of time from a different angle, imagining how it would affect people's lives in Berne, where Einstein was living when he was working on the Theory of Relativity. It is a stunning book, that makes the reader really think about how we perceive time and also how we should use time. How in fact we should live.
At the same time I am very slowly reading Kafka's Das Schloß in German. To find out more about that book, visit my Alter Ego blog here. (Sorry, I'm having difficulties with permalinks at the moment, so you'll need to scroll down a wee bit!).
Alchemy for the 21st Century
we’re too cynical to believe
in a Philosopher’s Stone
too lazy to see the scope
in our base materials
the stuff we throw away
cans and bottles, newspapers, rags
endless plastic bags.
Our Philosophers Stone
is found in thoughts, ideas
crafty skills and inspiration
patience and dedication
to transform waste into the new gold -
groundbreaking art
clothes beyond fashion
crafted with passion.
This poem is until 23 September currently part of the Waste Not Want Not exhibition at the Caledonian Hall at the Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh.
Friday, 22 September 2006
Notelets Wallet

My Mum has always admired the notelets I've made from reclaimed materials, so I've made her a set to use! The designs of the notelets are similar to those I've posted before - Japanese text with pictures of birds, flowers and butterflies. I've put them in a wallet made from an old folder reclaimed from the office bin and decorated with coloured paper, more Japanese text and pictures of butterflies.
Monday, 18 September 2006
Haiku - Delicious Autumn
Black elderberries
ripen by the roadside
- pick them to make wine.
Rowan berries
ripen, red, pink, yellow
- a feast for the birds.
Sunday, 17 September 2006
High Tide in Tucson - Barbara Kingsolver
Tuesday, 12 September 2006
Monday, 11 September 2006
Friday, 8 September 2006
bask on rocks
elegant despite their blubber.
I look closer
see the misfit of their eyes
the someone living inside
not quite at home in ocean
the soul of the girl -
mythical selkie.
Given the choice
I too would hide
in a secret skin
escape to the freedom of sea
the forgetfulness of waves.
Monday, 4 September 2006
Haiku - solitude
coloured leaves fall
across a cloudy sky –
one bird sings
I have a second haiku on this theme on my Alter Ego blog here.
Sunday, 3 September 2006
Isle of Raasay
Saturday, 26 August 2006
Return of the Poet - Edinburgh International Film Festival
Friday, 25 August 2006
Fishing in Whitby
Mirror Frame

I bought this frame in a second hand shop and painted it and patterned it with Celtic rubber stamps. My partner has just about persuaded me that i should varnish it too - what do people think?
Monday, 21 August 2006
Haiku - music
birds sing together
exuberant dawn chorus -
the music of Spring.
hot summer day -
a grasshopper orchestra
plays in the field.
autumnal breezes
whistle through the changing leaves -
haunting melodies.
snow falls silently -
inside the family gathers
to sing Christmas songs.
The following is a haiku inspired by the open air concerts at Traquair Fair, a wonderful summer event that happens in Innerleithen near Peebles in the Scottish Borders.
old apple orchard -
petals drift in the breeze
of the singer's voice.
And the final haiku here goes back to when I lived in Malawi where all the children seemed to have amazing natural creative talents:
down by the river -
the fishermen's children
play tin cans like drums.
Not content to leave it there, my Alter Ego has also written some musical haiku here!
Haiku containing the word 'prose'
Summer flowers bloom -
vibrant poetry against
the prose of grey skies.
Sunday, 20 August 2006
The Inner Life of Pets

Anya sits under the bed gently rocking, dreaming about Teletubby land. La La is her favourite because LaLa is the colour of dandelion flowers. Anya is disappointed that there are no dandelions in Teletubby land. She is sad that all the other rabbits are a rather unimaginative brown grey colour. Anya races over the hills of Teletubby land, enjoying the feel of the wind in her ears. Then she races twice round the Teletubby house.
‘Eh oh Po’ says Tinky Winky ‘There goes Anya again’
‘Eh oh Tinky Winky’ says Po ‘She’s looking for La La’.
Tinky Winky opens his handbag. Anya sees that inside the handbag are some dandelions. Fresh and yellow. The colour of La La. Anya stands up on her back legs and reaches towards the handbag….
But suddenly her human comes into the room and wakens her. Anya rushes from under the bed into her favourite box. She digs into the cardboard: Where are those dandelions? Where are they?
Thursday, 17 August 2006
Monday, 14 August 2006
Haiku about tea
A soothing green tea –
Moment of relaxation
And contemplation.
Summer heatwave –
under the shade of a tree
a glass of iced tea.
I haven't managed to fit Fairtrade into a haiku as yet! Buying Fairtrade tea and coffee ensures that the workers are paid a decent salary and can send their children to school, receive better healthcare etc. Find out more at: So you can drink Fairtrade tea or coffee knowing that you are helping people. It tastes good too. (Well apart from the instant coffee, but that's instant coffee all over!).
Monday, 7 August 2006
Haiku - the Scenic Route
lunch from the deli
take the path under the trees
restful and quiet.
tourists throng the streets,
take a detour through the park
- oasis of peace.
Sunday, 6 August 2006
dance in the light
on a south facing slope.
Shimmering heat haze on the fens
lazy calls of turtle doves
swifts tumbling through the sky.
Here is everlasting summer
sun-honeyed and warm
on the cusp of harvest fruitfulness.
Wednesday, 2 August 2006
A Normal Skin - John Burnside
The Book of Hopes and Dreams now available to pre-order
Monday, 31 July 2006
Garden haiku
full of fish and newborn frogs:
heron flies above
party on the lawn:
the sweet scent of roses
fills the humid air
bright coloured leaves fall
on flower bed and lawns:
bonfire smoke rises
stark black branches
against a snow filled sky:
one crow on the lawn
Friday, 28 July 2006
An idea for old photos

I saw this idea at A Little Imagination and a Pile of Junk . This is my first attempt to do something similar. The photo is a view of the village where I lived in Malawi when I was over there teaching with Voluntary Service Overseas. The fabric is a remnant from one of my favourite Malawian fabrics, that I had made into a dress when I was over there and then there's a Malawian stamp. The background is scrap corrugated card. Hopefully I'll do more of these! it's a good way of using up extra copies of your favourite photos or those photos that don't quite work.
Monday, 24 July 2006
haiku - two perspectives on cars
Gas guzzling monsters
Eating up the countryside
Destroyers of earth
Beautiful machines
Pleasure on the open road
Personal freedom
Sunday, 23 July 2006
solid, jewel-like, placid
Friday, 21 July 2006
Crafting Inspiration
Monday, 17 July 2006
Urban haiku
busy city streets
Friday, 14 July 2006
Soqotra - Land of the Dragon’s Blood Tree
From 1 July 2006 to 29 October 2006 Exhibition 10am - 5pm Exhibition Hall, Botanic Gardens, Inverleith, Edinburgh. Free.
For more information on the Royal Botanic Gardens in Scotland visit:
Monday, 10 July 2006
Haiku - Ritual
Air burial
vultures take body, heart, soul,
I have always been of the view that haiku in English do not need to strictly follow the 5-7-5 syllable rule, after all English is not a syllabic language in the same way that Japanese is. The point to me of a haiku is to capture a moment....
Sunday, 9 July 2006
is redeveloped into executive flats.
Builders move in with constant noise and dust
uproot the cherry trees and lawn.
Yet sometimes behind the machinery’s din
if you listen carefully, you can hear
the cheerful warble of a blackcap.
Friday, 7 July 2006
Customised clothing - beading

Tuesday, 4 July 2006
Haiku - Journey
Sunday, 2 July 2006
In the Dark
She hides in dark places,
remembers what she needs to:
scents, the food stores,
tries to explore things
just out of reach,
steals electric wiring,
plays with boxes,
folds and refolds
a moth-eaten pillow-case.
When no-one’s watching
she dances
Rabbit links
House Rabbit Society
Friends of Rabbits
Carrot Cafe
Your nearest Rabbit rehoming centre (UK)
Bunny Haven (East Lothian)
Tuesday, 27 June 2006
Three Summer haiku
Sunday, 25 June 2006
An attempt at a new poetic form - The Fib
Friday, 23 June 2006
Snow by Maxence Fermine
Sunday, 18 June 2006
their calls the loneliest sound
even in vast flocks
Sunday, 11 June 2006
Late Flowering
on the edge of town
red splashed with poppies rising
tall above vetches and secret plants.
All this bright colour
a last brave show
of hope from seeds
freed from farming
for a brief time until
all is lost to concrete.
Friday, 9 June 2006

Wednesday, 17 May 2006
Cow Parade Comes to Edinburgh
Saturday, 13 May 2006
Green Design exhibition
Sunday, 7 May 2006
Bass Rock from North Berwick
by pointillistic gannets nesting,
soaring round in clouds,
closer to shore, diving,
crashing into waves
stark white against sea and sky
their numbers restoring faith
in something that seems lost
amongst the people
littering the beach.
Monday, 1 May 2006
Bank Holiday at North Berwick
wings ink-tipped
stark against the shimmering foil
of sunlit sea.
Friday, 28 April 2006
Poetry Folder

I rescued this ring binder from the office bin and transformed it into a folder for my poetry with photos from various magazines and Poetry across the corner in letters from magazines. The stone in the hand is tied with a ribbon that says Destiny.
Wednesday, 26 April 2006
Debris Field - an exhibition of found art and soundscapes
Monday, 17 April 2006
The wind
Tree branches creaking in the wind
Leaves rustling in the wind
Birds singing and calling - great tits, blue tits, robins, blackbirds and chaffinches
Our footsteps
Twigs snapping underfoot
Somewhere like Corstorphine Hill it becomes possible to appreciate natural sounds, traffic noises seem to disappear. But for most of us who live in cities, natural noises are increasingly difficult to hear. This month's Ecologist magazine has an excellent article on noise pollution and soundscapes. Find out more from the Institute of Acoustic Ecology and find out what you can do to reduce noise from the Noise Abatement Society.
Tuesday, 4 April 2006
Ice Blink
Thursday, 23 March 2006
Altered Book 5

The background to this page is an article about holidays in the city, so it seemed an appropriate background to a photo of Turin and some tickets etc from our time there!
Thursday, 16 March 2006
Japanese Poetry and Flowers = Notelets

These notelets are made out of old card and paper from my office, extracts from Japanese poetry from a haiku magazine and photos of flowers from an Italian magazine. I made a whole series of them to remind me its supposed to be Spring!
Sunday, 12 March 2006
Altered Book 4

Sunday, 5 March 2006
Community Backgreens Initiative
Thursday, 2 March 2006
Spring Gift Wrap

Wednesday, 22 February 2006
Sunday, 12 February 2006
Desk Tidies

This is really easy but can look very effective. I buy fair trade tea and cocoa in cardboard tubes of various sizes. These can then be covered in wrapping paper or pages from magazines to become attractive desk tidies. However there's only a limited number of desk tidies that one household needs. Does anyone have other ideas of how to use these types of cardboard tubs?
Sunday, 5 February 2006
Re-using Materials in Crafts
Friday, 3 February 2006
Translated into Spanish
Friday, 27 January 2006
Altered Book 2

Saturday, 7 January 2006
Wednesday, 4 January 2006
Think Local, Act Local!
Locally run shops and businesses employ local people and help maintain vibrant, lively communities. If you shop locally, you reduce traffic congestion and pollution as well as supporting your local community.