Friday, 25 August 2006

Mirror Frame

I bought this frame in a second hand shop and painted it and patterned it with Celtic rubber stamps. My partner has just about persuaded me that i should varnish it too - what do people think?


Anonymous said...

Ah, the eternal question; to varnish or not to varnish? Personally in this case I think varnish would be a good idea as it will make the frame easier to keep clean... But then the BondBloke is always into labour saving ideas...

Deb R said...

I like the idea of adding varnish. I think it would add some depth and sheen to the colors.

I really like your music haikus!

Larry Kollar said...

If the varnish will keep it from fading or smearing, that's probably the best bet. It's kind of hard to tell from just a photo, but I think it looks pretty good as is. If it doesn't need protection, I'd just leave it.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Thanks for your comments. Farfetched has summed it up perfectly - I also think it looks fine as it is, but varnish would certainly protect it from dust etc and i think Deb is right about varnish adding sheen and depth. So I'll be buying some varnish when I get back from holidays! I'm glad you liked the music haiku, Deb!