Monday, 7 August 2006

Haiku - the Scenic Route

This week's prompt at One Deep Breath is to write haiku about the scenic route. So here are two haiku about the scenic routes I take during the working day:

lunch from the deli
take the path under the trees
restful and quiet.

tourists throng the streets,
take a detour through the park
- oasis of peace.


SLW said...

Good job, Juliet! And so prompt... I just found the assignment, and you're already on board... Keep up the good work. said...

Silly thing, but I think you have a typo in line one of the first haiku. With that out of the way, there's a peacefulness to the first one in that you take the lunch from the deli and I imagine that it's busy there, and then you're in the quiet hush of the trees. I want to go there too.

Anonymous said...

Those little side trips into pleasure are so refreshing.
Nice subject for your haiku.

madretz said...

How wonderful that you enjoy the beautiful surroundings during a regular work day. I hope you go back to work refreshed after lunch!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Bgfay - thanks for pointing out the typo. I'll put that right in a minute! And yes it is so nice to have a pleasant walk on the way to and from the deli.....

Jennifer S. said...

lovely, restful amongst the hectic... How I would love to be one of those "tourists" one day...

Tammy Brierly said...

I read the second one too fast and was seeing tourists in thongs. LOL

"oasis of peace" was a very cool line. I need a picnic :) Lovely job!

Ian russell said...

ah yes, when i worked in the cities i would always seek out the parks - ''oasis of peace'', yes i like that. almost makes me want to go back. wonderful poetry.

Yolanda said...

Thanks so much for the wonderful comments you made on my haiku and photo. I have visisted your blog often and I really enjoy all your haiku's.

claireylove said...

mmmm, peaceful :-)

Anonymous said...

Lovely to escape the thronging crowd