Monday, 20 November 2006

Autumnal haiku - senses

Sweet cherries
hang ripe on the trees -
free snacks!

bonfire smoke
rises from the garden -
sharp frost.

a robin perches
on a bare branched tree –

a robin sings
a melancholy song -
first snow fall

autumn wind -
the roughness of falling leaves
brushes my hair

More haiku on the senses on my Alter Ego blog.

Senses for One Deep Breath


Becca said...

Excellent series of haiku - I particularly like the last one, and can really feel the "roughness of falling leaves brushing my hair."

Well done:)

Roswila said...

Wonderful series!

Mimey said...

The bonfire smoke to frost part stood out to me. They shouldn't go together, but do.

kerrdelune said...

bonfire smoke
rises from the garden -
sharp frost.

.... love it, love it, love it!

Anonymous said...

Nice, you got every sense in this series! Loved the bonfire smoke haiku.

JP (mom) said...

Each one of these haiku are a treat to the senses!! Brilliant. much peace, JP

Helen said...

I enjoyed all of these. How do you do it! :)

Annie Jeffries said...

Excellent, all. I manage to produce one. I'm impressed by how many you and a few others produce and all so rich and varied.

Jodi said...

Great, seasonal haiku. The line "free snacks" made me giggle.

Anonymous said...

I like the first and last ones best. The first for its energy burst and the last for it's wistful romantic mood.

Andromeda Jazmon said...

I love these. The robin's melancholy song and the smoke... sharp!

Anonymous said...

I especially liked the bonfire haiku