Monday, 23 November 2009

Silvery recycled Gift Wrap

Two examples of silvery reused gift wraps. These are gifts wrapped in previous years. This year I've so far got no further than buying a couple of gifts. No wrapping until December, I'm posting these now to share ideas!

The first one is a re-used piece of silver gift wrap with a tag made by drawing a silver star onto a piece of reused black card. The second uses two different reused wrapping papers, a contrasting ribbon to cover the join and a gift tag made using wrapping paper glued onto recycled card.


Titus said...

Poet, first, well done. Both nice, but I like the top one best.

More pressingly for me, however - is that demonstration wrapping or have you started on your actual presents already?

Crafty Green Poet said...

HI Titus - these are sample wrappings from previous years, I've bought a couple of presents for this year but haven't even thought about wrapping them.

PurestGreen said...

Lovely - I like the wee bow as well.

The Weaver of Grass said...

There is such a lot of wrapping thrown away isn't there. I seem to get mountains of the stuff, but I do keep any that is recyclable.I wish we could go back to the days when we just bought things over the counter without all the additional plastic wrappings.

Alison Wiley said...

Good job! You are ahead of me on getting ready for Christmas. Since you and I (and I imagine your readers) are on similar pages with our values, perhaps someone would like to make use of this piece I penned on how to have a happy but sensible Christmas:

SG said...

Ver nice. Gives me some ideas as well :)

Caroline Gill said...

I would love to receive gifts, CGP, wrapped like the ones in your photo! They look terrific.

Fire Byrd said...

This is a bit like my reusing the lovely carrier bags between me and my sister they go back and forth till they fall to pieces!

Nicole said...

I love the ones with the Teddy bears.

Rambling Woods said...

We use the funny papers or comics to wrap the kids gifts in..but I need to recycle more wrapping paper..Great idea... Michelle

Cynthia said...

juliet, if you haven't already
check out the furoshiki bag:
great for eliminating the plastic
bag & excessive wrapping paper.

try- you tube - kakefuda kyoto -
famous furoshiki store
www. for
more historical info.

frankly, the bag is a great gift.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Thanks Cynthia - yes i have already heard of them, but thanks for the link!