Saturday, 14 November 2009

Frosty Shadows

First frost on the bridge by the weir at Colinton on the Water of Leith Edinburgh. I took this photo last Monday during my weekly walk along this stretch of the river.


Reader Wil said...

Very inspiring! the first frost makes everything more beautiful, like the first snow or the first flower in spring and the first love in your life.
Thanks for your visit and comment.

Quilt Works said...

Perfect shadows - you framed this shot really well!

Shadows in Boston Downtown!

steven said...

hi crafty green! we get frosts most nights now but i've not got myself out of the house and taken photographs. i'm loving these photos of yours. have a peaceful day. steven

Sylvia K said...

Really fabulous shot! Beautiful composition! Our deck was covered with sleet this morning! Guess winter is upon us!!

Enjoy your day!


bobbie said...

Marvelous zig-zag shadows!

I love your frosty header too.

poefusion said...

i love this picture. it almost looks as though one could just step off into nothingness at the end. we've been having some frosts here as well. can't believe it's that time of year already. have a great weekend.

Ralph said...

The angular shadows offer an artistic tough on the bridge. Not only for protection, the wood makes the passageway look inviting - the safety railings allow us to relax and enjoy the sights as we cross. Lovely!

XoXo said...

Oh I like the perspective and the composition here...just gives me a long straight outlook in life. :)

The Weaver of Grass said...

Lovely frosty shot - there should be plenty more of those over the next few months.

Tom Hilton said...

Wonderful shot. By the way, is the header pic new? I really love that one.

Hot Fudge said...

I can almost see my frosty breath as I look at your beautiful bridge image. And I love your banner shot as well - is that frost on the grass?

Crafty Green Poet said...

Thanks for all your comments.

Weaver - yes i guess we will have a lot more frosts over the winter! Tom yes its a new header! And Hot Fudge - yes its frost on the grass and on the leaf

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

This one coordinates with the wall one I did somehow...
I love this bridge and the frost on it. Great shot!

Sarah said...

I love the way the bridge disappears into darkness. I also like your frosty header!

PJ said...

I hope you were bundled up! It must be lovely to walk along the river and see sights like this one.

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

Beautiful, beautiful shadow picture! I like it so much!

akarui said...

Beautiful design drawn by the shadows.

Jasmine said...

Great shadows.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shot. I, too, like the shadow designs.


Jen said...

Great shadow!.
I keep looking at it and am wondering why the shadows are not X's like the side rails. The sun plays funny tricks at times on how it hits things.

Sue McGettigan said...

Love the way this particular time of day captured zig-zag shadows instead of crosses - very cool!

Beverley Baird said...

Great shot - the shadows are so perfect!

Jonny Hamachi said...


whizkid said...

wonderful shot! and i loved your header photo.

EJ said...

Very interesting pattern of shadows!

Mine is up here

Titus said...

Fabulous photo - colours and shadows.

A Wild Thing said...

Chilly morns and brave hikers, yes, we're having them too...but I don't have to like it...I dream of summer!

Carin said...

BRrr FROST! So far we've been spared of that here in Holland. In fact temperatures are high here for the time of year! The shadows on the bridge make a nice, clear picture!

Thanks for visiting and enjoy your Sunday!

Margaret Gosden said...

Believe it or not, I do miss the frosty part of Autumn here in the States! Great shadow shot and imagining a frosty walk across.

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

Not had any frost here yet - had wind and rain but also a bit of bright sunshine - great photo of the bridge.

Martha said...

What a great shadow shot! Thanks for stopping to see mine too! :-)

BLOGitse said...

hrrrrr...looks frosty and cold but beautiful!
Have a nice week!

Joe Todd said...

Frost and shadows very nice

Anonymous said...

fabulous photo!! said...

I like the designs these shadows have formed on the bridge, really nice!

Martha Z said...

Great shadow but "brr".
Thanks for stopping by my garden.

storyteller said...

I'm shivering as I type ... but I love this photo of the bridge with the frosty shadows. I've shared frosty photos from my sister at Sacred Ruminations and shadows from Southern California at Happily Retired Gal this weekend.
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

That's a nice photo!! Like the lines and the shadows

BlueJayEye said...

like the pattern, crisscrossing shadow over white frost...nice

Lisa's RetroStyle said...

Love that shot!

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

Just look at all of those shadowy zig zags! Crisp like the air!

Square Peg Guy said...

I like how the shadows zig-zag across the bridge!

Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting on my SS!

Mona said...

It looks like a bridge to eternity. I love the shadows in this photo.

Marvin said...

Great shot -- so many patterns.

Deb said...

Oh, my. This is fabulous. Love how the bridges moves into darkness. And of course, the shadows.

Carletta said...

I love the frosty path!
You were up early. :)

chrome3d said...

Excellent shadows and you made the most from the frost. The banner photo is so coooool.