Saturday 30 July 2016

North Berwick

The beach at North Berwick is particularly beautiful at this time of year

and we found some lovely sea pottery and sea glass too, most of which will make its way into the Crafty Green Magpie Etsy shop

Lots of sand martins were flying round, very low over the beach, probably chasing all the sand hoppers that were hopping all over the beach! Crafty Green Boyfriend got this photo


eileeninmd said...

Hello, pretty views of the sea. Lovely series. Happy weekend!

Marcie said...

Love all the sea glass and sea pottery! Beach glass is one of my favorite things to find. The beach there near you looks like a wild and windswept place. Your photos are lovely!

RG said...

Beaches are like beer. All good. Some better than others.

Janneke said...

I enlarged your sea pictures, they are really beautiful!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Juliet,

Looks like you had a lovely day at the beach and neat that you were able to go home with some treasures.
Have a great Sunday

Lynn said...

Love that seaglass and pottery.