Friday 1 July 2016

Corstorphine Hill

I joined Crafty Green Boyfriend for a lunchtime wander round Corstorphine Hill today. There was plenty to see today!

We found a species of hoverfly new to both of us, the UK Hoverfly group on Facebook were able to identify it as a Myathropa florea. (Thanks Crafty Green Boyfriend for this photo).

This area of the hill below was full of whitethroats (Neither of us have ever seen that many whitethroats together!)! You can't see them in this photo but they were flying round from shrub to shrub,we both think that the youngsters were fledging 

Nearby we saw this stone

All the broken snail shells on and around the stone indicate that this is a song thrush anvil, where the bird will smash snails before eating their bodies.

Back on the main road the bunnies were outside the hotel as they usually are

while across the road:

abandoned house -
swallows fly in and out
of the windows.


Naquillity said...

great captures. glad you were able to get identification on the hoverfly. that bunny is huge but adorable. it appears to be very content. have a great day/ weekend...

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Juliet,

I enjoyed seeing where you went for your walk and how cute the big bunny is.
Happy weekend

Sandy said...

Looks like a really interesting place to walk.
Please send a rabbit over here. We could use one, too!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Didn't know about the anvils -- how very interesting. You two know how to find the small miracles ... this post is full of them.

A Cuban In London said...

Gorgeous bunnies. I still remember seeing some from our caravan in Cornwall a few years ago.

Greetings from London.

Pietro Brosio said...

A really enjoyable walk, nice images.

Lowcarb team member said...

Some very nice photo's, aren't bunnies cute!

All the best Jan