Monday 11 July 2016

In Colinton Dell

They're not called umbellifers for nothing - bee hiding from the rain

Snail sliming along

Epistrophe grossulariae hoverfly basking in the sun


eileeninmd said...

Hello, great nature photos. I love the cute snail. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

Simon Douglas Thompson said...

I love it when you see bees hiding like that!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Love the snail -- in full battle gear, out to seek his fortune in the great wide world! And, again, so impressed with your knowledge of the hoverflies.

Marcie said...

Love the photos. You either have a very quick shutter on your camera or some very cooperative insects! lol

Janneke said...

Lovely photos of discoveries on your walk in nture. I´m impressed you know the Latin name of the hover fly, I only know Latin plant names, insects are to difficult for me.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Hi Eileen - I love the snail too!

Simon - me too, there were several of them doing it too when it wasraining!

Janneke - most hoverflies don't have common names! I am slowly learning their Latin names helped by the UK Hoverfly Facebook group!

Lynn said...

How wonderful to capture a bee hiding from the rain! I love your walks.

Magyar said...

__Nicely seen Juliet. Some times, we all "wait" for a better time. _m

rain shroud
under this blossom mantle
a bee

Pietro Brosio said...

Very nice green!