Thursday 9 June 2016

Yellow Flag Irises in Lochend Park for 30 Days Wild

I was teaching at the Ripple Project in Lochend today and I got an early bus so I could have a proper walk round the park (I always pop into the park, but usually only have time to say hello to the ducks before it's time to go to class).

It was a lovely morning and the park looked at its best

Not least because the yellow flag irises are in full bloom at the moment and look wonderful

The whitebeams are also in full bloom

There are some young birds on the loch (though not as many as I had hoped to see). Mother mallard looks very proud of her brood

and there are also a couple of goslings

One of the things that always fascinates me about Lochend Park is the number of submerged trees in the loch,

Look carefully at the photo above and you may see a grey heron resting on the roots of one of the fallen trees

The yellow flag irises in Lochend Park are one of the seasonal floral displays I try to catch every year alongside the snowdrops at Cammo, the bluebells at Dalkeith Country Park, the crocuses in the Meadows and the cherry trees all around town (but especially in the Meadows).

What are your favourite seasonal floral displays?

For 30 Days Wild.


Naquillity said...

during my walk this morning i saw a great blue heron flying toward me. it was at a distance before veering off into the treelined creek that flows nearby. your pictures are always a joy to view. have a great night~

RG said...

I may have asked this last year - but aren't those yellow iris an invasive rather than native species? They are invasives here. Nice pictures.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Hi Naquillity - the great blue heron must be an impressive bird to see! I'm guessing it's bigger than our heron.

Rabbits Guy - yellow flag iris is native to UK, Europe, Africa and Asia.

Lynn said...

I love those yellow iris - my mom and dad used to have purple ones in their garden that I loved.