Friday 10 June 2016

Walk in the Rain for 30 Days Wild

It was raining this morning and I expected it to still be raining at lunchtime when I'd agreed to meet Crafty Green Boyfriend for a walk round Corstorphine Hill (which is a walk he does most lunchtimes as he works near the hill!). It was actually more of a drizzle than proper rain when we got out there.

Everything is looking beautifully green at the moment

The cow parsley is blooming at the sides of the paths

and the hawthorn is at its best, both white

and pink

This little snail was enjoying the damp grass

and lots of birds were flying round, including bullfinches and greenfinches, though none wanted to pose for the camera!

For 30 Days Wild


Marcie said...

Just love a walk in the rain. Thank you for sharing yours! The pink hawthorn is gorgeous. I didn't know it came in pink!

Dartford Warbler said...

You still have that beautiful fresh green of spring. It is turning to early summer here in the south. Hawthorns are over and the green is darkening. Still lovely, but the season is moving on.

Klara said...

not a fan of rain, but kudos to you two for a habitual walk (if you wait for a sunny day to have a walk here in Belgium, you will wait... and wait....

Lynn said...

You live in an enchanting place. Just beautiful.

Naquillity said...

some beautiful images from your walk. we had an overcast day with a very short drizzling rain. then the sun was back out again. love that pink hawthorn. hope all is well. have a great night~

RG said...

Just cloudy and gloomy here - but OK for walking!!!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Juliet,

Love how everything is so beautiful and green and isn't it lovely out walking in the rain sometimes.
The pink hawthorn is pretty.
Enjoy the weekend

Lowcarb team member said...

Sometimes a walk in the rain is enjoyable ... and it looks so lovely and green.

All the best Jan