Saturday 29 August 2015

Calder Wood

We had a lovely walk round Calder Wood in West Lothian today. It's a beautiful area of mixed woodland

with some wonderful individual trees

Some impressive fungi too, these are blewits

this is the remains of a stinkhorn that had been eaten by fungus gnats

this a turkey tail

and these we don't know, but we liked the green colour

Lots of luzula sylvestris in the undergrowth too, lovely to see

There were lots of hoverflies and other insects around too, I still need to try to identify everything though!


Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

What a beautiful place for a walk. I truly adore trees.

Donna said...

Such a lovely walk and impressive fungi

Simon Douglas Thompson said...

Wet months approach as the fungi make their appearance, soo my way to work will be lined in places with shaggy ink caps

Lowcarb team member said...

What a great place for a walk - do hope the weather is being kind to you.

Hope my comments are coming through ok my computer seemed to have a little glitch earlier?

All the best Jan