Monday 17 August 2015

A Summer's Day

Today is one of those warm sunny days that feels like summer, which we've nad very few of this year here in Edinburgh.

Here are the bright flowers at Harrison Park

They're full of solitary bees and hoverflies with only a few bumble bees.

This hoverfly is a syrphus ribesii

Along the canal, the thistle down is out

and the verges are bright with flowers

and the tufted vetch is starting to pod, even as it's still in flower

Lovely to see plenty of common carder bees


eileeninmd said...

Oh yes, looks like a lovely summer day. The flowers are gorgeous. Enjoy your week ahead!

eileeninmd said...

Oh yes, looks like a lovely summer day. The flowers are gorgeous. Enjoy your week ahead!

Rambling Woods said...

Glad you had a nice day!

RG said...

Yay for summer. We have had about the driest and warmest on record here in the Pacific NW - "el nino" and "the blob"!