Wednesday 14 January 2015

Water of Leith, Winter Wonderland

I love Colinton Dell at all times of the year, but it is magical in the snow.

There were lots of birds around today, including two tree creepers who were chasing each other from tree to tree, and flying right round me!

I was impressed by this little fungus growing on a dead tree, and I know the photo is slightly out of focus, but I thought it was worth sharing anyway


eileeninmd said...

Pretty captures of your winter wonderland.. The Tree Creepers are always a treat to see. Love the colorful fungi, it really stands out against the snow. Have a happy day!

Unknown said...

Lovely place. For some reason mushroom and fungus pictures always foil me photographically. I just seem to fail to get the depth of field right, I guess.

Gingi said...

So lovely! I wish we lived in an area that snows!.. well, sometimes, hehe! ;-) -

Crafty Green Poet said...

thanks Eileen, yes I always love seeing treecreepers

Sarala, depth of field can be a challenge (and obviously was in the fungi photo in this post!)

Gingi - we don't get huge amounts of snow here...

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

Hi Juliet!
I was just thinking as I read your post, that we don't call little valleys dells like you do over there. Now I know what to call the little dell just off my side yard -a dell!
And I also understand the lyrics to The Farmer in the Dell now! LOL!
:) m & jb

TexWisGirl said...


Jenn Jilks said...

Its lovely seeing a little bright spark of colour during these dark, cold months!

Little Miss Titch said...

that does look pretty,xx Rachel

Glo said...

Hat, scarf and mittens weather, I should think :) Very picturesque!

RG said...

Send the snow - even our mountains are very short of snow.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That tree fungus is amazing ... I love experiencing winter through your eyes.