Thursday 1 January 2015

Arthur's Seat

It was a wild, wet and windy day today for our traditional New year's Day walk round Arthur's Seat.

We saw a total of 20 species of birds, despite the bad weather, including a flock of long tailed tits that followed us for a while, a goldcrest and a mistle thrush. There were lots of birds on the St Margaret's Loch, including this young mute swan, who seemed unperturbed by the choppy waters


TexWisGirl said...

cute little tucked-in swan!

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

Ah, the feathers of youth...
Happy New Year to you and yours, Juliet!

Glo said...

Looks chilly, but good for you out for a walk ~ a great beginning to the New Year... Hope yours is filled with health and happiness :)

RG said...

A great way to start the year!

Little Miss Titch said...

Beautiful day,Happy New Year,xx Rachel and Speedy

eileeninmd said...

A nice outing, with great birds. I love the swan shot!

Donna said...

What a beautiful spot...Happy New Year!