Monday 26 January 2015

Update on my novel

I sort of made a New Year's Resolution that I would get my novel to a stage of being ready to be sent out by June at the latest. In fact I'm well ahead of schedule! I finished the final edit last week and will write the synopsis this week and then send it out into the world.

As a poet whose favourite form is the haiku, I was fascinated to find out that I actually could write (and enjoy writing) something that might resemble a novel, though admittedly it is on the short size (personally I prefer short novels anyway). I started the novel in NaNoWriMo a couple of years ago and it was pretty poor at the end of that month, but I have worked hard on it since and hopefully it may have a chance of getting somewhere.

A brief outline of the novel:

Noa and her mother are part of a community that has been refugees since their Pacific Island disappeared under the seas at the end of the Age of Technology. The newly independent Hebrides have offered the refugees an island to live on. After their long voyage across the world, the refugees have to learn to live alongside the Hebridean islanders. Meanwhile Sheena, a Hebridean woman is studying in New Lanark where the University's high tech campus hides some unpalatable truths. Sheena works with Noa and others to create a field studies centre on the island to conserve what is left of nature and to help bring jobs to the refugees. 

I've no intention of writing another novel unless this one is successful or I get an idea that just needs to be another novel.

I'll keep everyone up to date with the novel's successes, though I'll be quiet about its failures.


eileeninmd said...

Congrats, it must feel nice to be ahead of schedule.. Have a happy day!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I wish you the absolute best on your novel's success :) I have a strong feeling that it definitely will be.

Gingi said...

That is SO COOL that you are working on a novel... I have had that as a loose "bucket list" item, but I never got serious.. kuddos for following a dream!! -

RG said...

Way to go! If all else fails, serialize it on line. That is how Rachel Carson got famous - although in New Yorker mag. since there was no on-line then!

Donna said...

wishing you great success as you continue to write...sounds very interesting