Saturday 29 March 2014

Mist and birds on Arthur's Seat

Very misty on Arthur's Seat today, but that didn't stop the birds singing! The air was loud with the songs of chaffinches, robins and blackbirds! Lots of jackdaws around too. And grey herons! Most of the herons we saw were on their nests in the heronry in the trees by Duddingston Loch, at the foot of Arthur's Seat, but this one was catching frogs by the small loch halfway up the hill. 

We watched this bird fish two frogs out of the water, carry them to a patch of mud then kill them and swallow them.

Meanwhile, the snails were enjoying the damp grass.


Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

Hi Juliet,
I very much enjoyed this little trip to Arthur's Seat with you. There is a gentle rain falling here now. Listening to the doves through the open window. Set the mood for reading your post.

TexWisGirl said...

that snail is so pretty!

RG said...

Looks quite like around here in the Pacific NW right now! Herons headed for nesting aplenty and those snails and slugs showing up everywhere.

I enjoyed your comments on writing - it is "nice" to know even well experienced writers get "stuck" some!

Have fun with the poetry month. Still have fond memories (and half written masterpieces)from NaNoWriMos past - and maybe future!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Heronry are just fascinating aren't they?
Love that snail too.


Du plus grand au plus petit, c'est ainsi que l'on doit observer la nature, en n'oubliant personne. Merci pour ton partage.


Janet Shaw said...

Great Photos! I enjoyed them!

eileeninmd said...

Sounds like a great outing, I love the heron and the cool snail. Thank you for sharing your post on Saturday's Critters. Have a happy weekend!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Great shots love the pattern on shell.

Dartford Warbler said...

Arthur`s Seat looks quite wild and mysterious in the mist.

I do love stripy snails. No doubt the blackbirds will be feasting on those while the herons are busy in the water.

Bill said...

a gray heron
catches a frog

(Pardon my "gray.")

sage said...

Looks like a mystical place--nice photos.