Wednesday 5 March 2014

haiku and poetry publishing news

sunset -
the dusky singing
of a blackbird

I'm delighted to have had two poems published recently, you can follow the links below to read them:

What is Left on The Bijou Poetry Review.

.In the Office on The Work Literary Magazine.  


Caroline Gill said...

What a productive time you are having, Juliet. 'What is left' has a haunting air to it - a fine piece indeed. Congratulations on these publications!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Ah the sound of birds singing at sunset - what an amazing and tranquil sound.

bunnits said...

Congratulations. Quite nice, all.

eileeninmd said...

Love the haiku, Juliet! Congrats on your poems being published. That it is great news.

Anonymous said...

lovely haiku (and congrats on the publications - I will pop over to have a looksee)

A Cuban In London said...

I left a comment on one of the links. Your poems are gorgeous. Many thanks.

Greetings from London.