Wednesday, 14 August 2013

The Planet and Stuff

There are so many grim stories about the environment at the moment, here are just a few:

In Texas some towns are losing their water supplies, because the wells are being drained so the water can be used for fracking.

Half the world's hungry people could survive for a year on the food that G8 countries use as biofuels.

The elephant is loved, revered and respected by people and cultures around the world, yet we're on the brink of poaching these magnificent creatures to exctinction.

The real challenge is knowing how to address these issues without giving in to huge pessimism. I always think that creative projects can do a huge amount to get people involved about thinking about the issues in ways that are empowering rather than depressing.

Polka Theatre recently emailed me about their forthcoming production The Planet and Stuff. Polka Theatre produce world class shows for children and with this production they aim to get children engaged in the issues round climate change. As their own publicity says:

From global inequality to your own recycling. From what’s going on up in the atmosphere to where that sweet wrapper in your pocket came from and where it might end up, climate change takes centre stage.

Part live science demo, part hyperactive game show,The Planet and Stuff  is the fact-packed, straight-talking climate change event with all the answers. What could possibly go wrong?


Optimistic Existentialist said...

I saw a story recently about elephant poaching and it literally brought tears to my eyes :(

Caroline Gill said...

Food for thought. This, Juliet, is so true, so well said: 'I always think that creative projects can do a huge amount to get people involved about thinking about the issues in ways that are empowering rather than depressing.'

RG said...

Everything helps ...

I think everyone gets down on the subject sometimes ...

eileeninmd said...

The fracking is horrible, they seem to find more ways to ruin the environment. Sad news about the elephants, I wish the poaching would be stopped. It is a good idea to see people more involved.

Little Miss Titch said...

One day we will kill ourselves and the animals will inherit the earth,and they will do far better with out us,xx

Bill said...

Shelley reminded us that the imagination is the great agent of moral good.

The function of poetry (and of art in general) is to awaken the imagination.

A better world awaits our imagining it.

Programs like the one you mention are a start.