Monday, 19 August 2013

Late summer, Colinton Dell

This is a view of one of the wildflower meadows that the Water of Leith Conservation Trust has planted along the shores of the river. This one is on the site of the old Bogs Mill. The old mill house, now a residential home, is just behind the bushes on the right of the picture. The meadow is apparently a favourite grazing area for roe deer, though I've never seen them in this meadow (I've seen them several times in other places along Colinton Dell).

The rose hips are already starting to ripen

though the roses are still in bloom

Meanwhile the shaggy ink cap fungi are already old and dripping with ink

(they're not edible at this stage, though when younger they are).

This isn't a perfect photo, but I love how bumble bees (in this case I think it's a white tailed bumble bee) bury their faces in the flowers (in this case common knapweed).
And not caught on camera were my brilliant views of kestrel, sparrowhawk and kingfisher.

Meanwhile, over on Shapeshifting Green, I've posted some photos of a different part of the Water of Leith, better known for its industrial heritage.

as ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


Optimistic Existentialist said...

Sounds like a beautiful place to spend an afternoon. You know, I've only seen a Kingfisher once in my entire life. It was magnificent.

Sandy's witterings said...

Looks like a good wildlife day. A kingfisher always makes it worthwhile having gone out. Anyone catching one on a camera gets an official hero award.

Little Miss Titch said...

beautiful photo's,xx Rachel

TexWisGirl said...

rose hips are so cool!

Crafty Green Poet said...

OPtimistic - kingfishers are indeed magnificent! I never tire of seeign them!

Sandy - oh yes, kingfishers are very difficult to capture on camera, that's why there isn't a photo of one here!

speedy - thanks!

TexWis - aren't they just!

Hi kat, I don't know why they call them hips! Interesting question!

This meadow has been an open weedy meadow for years. Water of Leith Trust started converting it to a wildflower meadow two years ago and although it's a lot more flowery now, it will be a couple of years i think before its a really lovely wildflower meadow.

Ms Sparrow said...

You do get so much out of a summer day!

Bill said...

Dunno, to me they look like hips. Won't say whose.

eileeninmd said...

The meadow is beautiful! A nice place to visit to see the flowers and birds. Have a happy day!

The Weaver of Grass said...

I love your wonderful photographs Juliet - it just shows what wildlife there is to be had in your area.

Carol Steel said...

What lovely photos.