Thursday 5 May 2011


As some of you may have noticed, I recently discovered the video setting on my new camera! I posted a few videos of birds on Flickr which you can see by following the links below:

Mallards Mating

Coots feeding young (1)

Coots feeding young (2)

Coots feeding young (3).

Coots feeding offspring (4).

Zen and the Art of Waiting for dabchicks

I've also set up a YouTube Account, where I will post all my future videos. So far I have posted two videos of haiku I've written. You can view the videos here. So far Blogger hasn't let me embed videos here, but I'll keep trying. (On a related note, Blogger won't let me comment on some blogs, so if I've not commented for a while, that may be the reason why!). Our computer is up and running again but our internet access seems not to be entirely reliable, but fingers crossed we're back online again...


Carver said...

I enjoyed your videos. The mallards in the first one were very rambunctious. The coot feeding the babies were great. I liked the light on the water while you waited on the chick that wouldn't come up for you. Also good to hear your voice. Now when I read your blog I'll hear what you sound like.

Anonymous said...

I watched every video. What a good job you do with them.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Juliet,

I enjoyed watching your videos, thank you. Almost as though I was standing there with you. Great photography.

Have a happy weekend

The Weaver of Grass said...

I have this problem on some blogs - I just cannot comment - very frustrating.