Friday 8 January 2010

Wintry Reflections

The weather is still cold and snowy here, very beautiful! Here are a couple of reflections that show some of the beauty of a wintry Edinburgh! I took the first photo along the Water of Leith on Monday.
Crafty Green Boyfriend took this second shot in Princes Street Gardens on Christmas Day.
No reflections along the Union Canal, which is frozen solid - hopefully some photos of that tomorrow!


Martin said...

The second photograph is just the sort of thing I like. So many opportunities for good pictures in these conditions.....if you're brave enough to venture outside!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Love reflections. Crafty Green boyfriend keeps creeping into this blog, I see - does he have a blog of his own? If so would like to visit if he has more photos like this on it.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Thanks Martin!

Weaver, no Crafty Green Boyfriend doesn't have a blog, he just takes photos....

My name is Riet said...

Great reflection pictures. I love the big tree reflecting in the water

Rune Eide said...

I have never been to Scotland in the winter months. I see I must rectify that.

Anonymous said...

I like that second shot, too. You and your guy make a good couple!

Anonymous said...

I enlarged the second photo ad it s really, really nice! :)

Titus said...

Two fabulous shots. The second is astonishing, and I know exactly where it is!

Carletta said...

Lovely scene as is the first one.
I love the puddle shot - nice catch!

gracia said...

Great shot.. very nostalgic. Love it. Visit my rainbow also.

gracia said...

Great shot.. very nostalgic. Love it. Visit my rainbow also.

steven said...

crafty green, with all due respect to cgb, the first photograph is stunning!!! i haven't ever seen a scen like that. steven

Thérèse said...

Like lace on a lake. Pretty amazing!

Serendipity said...

I really like that second picture (and the header!)

Anonymous said...

There will no sitting on those benches today. Nice photo.

Rinkly Rimes said...

Tell the crafty green boyfriend his tree is much admired!

James said...

They are both wonderful reflections. It sounds like we have had similar weather. I today was our last snow for a while, but it's still cold.

RG said...

Great captures of opportunity!

'Twill be a winter many talk of for some time to come!

Bill said...

Winter is such an underrated season. Thanks for reminding us of some of its beauties.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely stunning. Perfectly captured.

Gillena Cox said...

Truly beautiful

Happy New Year to you and Crafty Green BF

much love

Regina said...

Beautiful shots and reflections!

Suburban Girl said...

Love the park benches all sitting in a row and then surprise...the reflection is of a tree! Cool shot.

Gena @ thinking aloud said...

I lvoe the tree "just" reflected in the water - I guess a semi relfection?!
grat weekend

Hilda said...

That first photo is so beautiful! But oh so cold!

Happy weekend!

Dianne said...

the composition adds tension
the detail in the foreground with the broad image in the background. hard to capture,
excellent balance and images

cieldequimper said...

Ednburgh looks a lot like Versailles seen this way! Very nice reflections!

Rune Eide said...

Princes street reflections - and no one to enjoy them on the benches!

Thank you for sharing them with us :-)

Lucy said...

Lovely stuff here as ever. Interested to hear of your redwings; have you seen any bramblings this year? I haven't, though some wyear we have plenty.

Ebie said...

These two photos are special. But the second is my favorite. The reflection on the puddle is very clear!

P.S. I love the codes CGP & CGB.

storyteller said...

Your world is soooo much colder than my own ... and very beautiful in it's winter white. Both are lovely reflections so it's difficult to choose a favorite.
Hugs and blessings,

Kat said...

These are really nice. The reflection in the second shot is so very clear. But I love the mood of the first shot. Lovely. Kathy

eileeninmd said...

The are both fantastic reflection photos and the second is my favorite. Well Done!

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