Saturday 23 January 2010

Gorgie City Farm

We visited Gorgie City Farm today to see the two lambs that were born last week. They are adorable, sitting in the corner smilig at all the visitors. A combination of poor light and empty camera batteries meant we didn't get any decent photos, so these are last year's lambs (later in the year).

While we were at the farm we popped in to visit the rabbits. It was lovely to see Driftwood sitting quietly with Louie and Lily. Normally these three don't get on but it seems they've finally integrated. We even saw Driftwood lick Louie's nose at one point. Ebony the newest rabbit on the farm though was in a cage by himself, he hasn't integrated yet.

Gorgie City Farm has recently relaunched its membership scheme and animal sponsorship scheme. You can read more on their website here. We're sponsoring Driftwood again this year....


Gerald (SK14) said...

As often, the super shadows and the details only manifest themselves when enlarged and this is super - one might almost think the lambs were zebras.

steven said...

look at thos cute little guys!!! lovely shadows ! steven

robin. said...

why does the camera always fade when you have great shots to take...wonderful shadows here on the lambs...

Sylvia K said...

Such sweet little guys! And great shadow shot! I love it! Have a great weekend!


Ralph said...

The lambs are adorable, babes hanging around the sheep for warmth and protection. The strong sun keeps the youngsters warm, and like Gerald, I see Zebra markings on the lambs. A fun illusory look at these wooly creatures!

Catherine said...

love those stripey shadows..what a great shot..

Beverley Baird said...

What great shadows! Cute little lambs as well!

Jasmine said...

It seems so early for lambs. Hopefully a sign of an early spring.

Jen said...

Just like us, they go to the area where the sun is for the sun's warmth.
Happy SSS to you!

Hot Fudge said...

Don't you hate it when your camera decides to have a battery tantrum? Still, you had your earlier image to keep is in the picture. They are simply adorable, nestling there in the sun.

Titus said...

Sheep and shadows beautiful. I do like sheep.

Chubskulit Rose said...

those are great shadow lines.

My shadow shots

Margaret Gosden said...

The shadows are SO interesting! Great shot.

Anonymous said...

Awwww ... how sweet and what wonderful shadows you've captured and shared!
Hugs and blessings,

Unknown said...

Oh, I love this! I like sheep pictures. These guys look so contented with those warm beams of sun shining on them. Nice one!

Anonymous said...

Wow! The lambs ar born already! How cool is that!

Serendipity said...

Lovely shadows! Looks like a fun day :)

Sarah said...

That is a gorgeous shot-sheep are so sweet! I love their stripey shadow coats. I had a peek at Driftwood-great name for a rabbit. Louie and Lily's link didn't work for me though.
City farms are such a great idea.

Annette Tait said...

I never realized that lambs were born as early as January! hope they get to keep warm.
Thanks for sponsoring Driftwood Juliet, it's because of people like you that rabbits have a better life.
I must visit the farm one day.
Loved your touching post on Laika. Such a sad story and I have thought about her fate often.
I didn't know she was homeless...
Mans inhumanity to other beings really knows no bounds. Sadly it is still happening in laboratories.

A Wild Thing said...

You're so right with the striped critters...zebra lambs and trout...who shot!

The Bunns said...

Yay for Driftwood .. good company and good support!

Gillena Cox said...


much love

Cassie said...

Those lambs are adorable.I guess they are big kids now! (I enlarged the photo.)

Bill said...

january thaw
lambs in the corner

If there was no thaw, there shoulda been!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

It's not too cold for those little lambie babies? I thought they were only born in the spring! So sweet...

BLOGitse said...

I love lambs!
Great shot, especially when you click it bigger - wow!
Have a great week ahead,
sunny greetings from Cairo!

jabblog said...

Beautiful shadows - so sharp and clear - and lambs are always adorable.

Birgitta said...

Cute little lambs and great shadows!

Tania said...

Here is supermuch shadows! Great;-)

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Lambs in the shadow,
crisscrossed with light, small woolly
lambs, you’re my delight!

wanderlust said...

Love those shadows, and love those little lambs!

christina said...

I like your shadow picture! Cute lambs!

Carin said...

Hihi, those shadowy stripes make it difficult to see the lambs!

Over here the lambs have not been born yet on the farm where my son assists! Heard they were expected in a couple of weeks.

Enjoy your week!

Maia T said...

Beautiful shadow shot and pattern on those cute lambs.

Jazzbumpa said...

One of my virtual friends here in the States said his goats were kidding over the last week. Sheep are next some time soon.

Nice shot.


angie said...

oh, wonderful!
I love how the little ones are striped, and how the shadows echo the slats in the gate. great shot!

Patti said...

You captured wonderful shadows adorning the lambs.

Thanks for visiting me today ~

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

Great fun to see new born lambs - especially as they are trying to walk!

Anonymous said...

I like the pattern of the shadows across the sheep. Nice photo.


•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

Super shadows with the lambs!

Lisa's RetroStyle said...

Sweet shot! I love baby animals:)

Dorte said...

Nice post ... Isn´t it rather early for lambs?

Crafty Green Poet said...

Dorte (and anyone else who's wondering) yes it is a bit early for lambs but this breed of sheep breed and lamb earlier than most.