Saturday 10 October 2009

Shadowy Spider

Crafty Green Boyfriend took this shot of a spider in my parent's garden last month. Click on it to enlarge it! If you don't like spiders, you may prefer the shadow shot I posted on Over 40 Shades here.


Thomma Lyn said...

Wow, what an excellent picture! I'm fond of spiders. Used to have a Chilean rose tarantula as a pet before she went to the Happy Cricket Hunting Ground a few years ago.

Sylvia K said...

Ah, spiders make terrific shadow shots! And this one is terrific! Wow!

Have a great day!


Tommaso Gervasutti said...

Dear Juliet, I like spiders very much, BUT only photos of them like this one of yours.

I am trying to really start a debate on submssion matters in my blog.
You are the first one I am inviting to it.

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

It's that time of the year that those spiders are everywhere! Great shadow Crafty Green Boyfriend!

RachelW said...

Wonderful picture! Such a lovely spider.

Chubby Chieque said...

Eww... I don't like creepy things but this one looks so subtle.


Maurice Lauher said...

Creepy spiders have creepy shadows, twice the scare. Very nice posting.

Reader Wil said...

That's an unusual shot of the spider! Very clever.

Ralph said...

The shadow of this Arachnapod makes her double in size. The eight-legged wonder is thinking about her next meal. Looking impressive jut sitting there...

Michael said...

Spider. What's not to like?

Carletta said...

A great shadow find!

Larry Kollar said...

Spiders are OK, as long as they don't string their webs across walkways!

Beverley Baird said...

Great spider shot and shadow - mighty big though!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Not fond of spiders at all! They gave me goosebumps! But I can appreciate amazing photos of them like this one!

MyMaracas said...

Great one for the Halloween season!

Hannah said...

I think the spider's shadow is more scary than the actual. Yikes!

Thanks for your visit. Warm greetings from Florida!

rambling woods & Nature Notes said...

Hello Juliet..I would be thrilled to have your join Nature Notes Thursday. This spider is great. Even little creatures have shadows... Michelle

Anonymous said...

Great photo!!!

Sam said...

I love your new header! Very fine piece of camera work here - very delicate!pep

Sarah said...

Good picture! Slightly gives me the shivers but I fight against it!

Deb said...

Lovely! (I am a spider fan.) Thank you CGB, and CGP for posting it.

maryt/theteach said...

I like it, Green Poet! :)

Ellie said...

My husband is scared of spiders - usually I save his life by stepping on spiders :) Great capture!

Vicki ~ FL said...

Great shot of that spider....not many of us are too fond of them!

Catherine said...

what a delicate spidery shadow!!

Janice Thomson said...

Great shadow shot. Spiders seem to be in great abundance at the moment.

Anonymous said...

That has to be unusual to capture a spider's shadow like that. Well done!

Lisa's RetroStyle said...

I don't much like spiders., but I love that shot! Good job Crafty Green Boyfriend:)

Mamí♥Picture said...

That was AWESOME!!!!
Great Shadow Shot!
Here is "My Sunday Shot♥"<--Hope you like it☺
Have a Great Day!