Tuesday, 27 October 2009


harvest moon -
the black cat runs across
the cobbled path

Kat also posted a cat haiku today on her new blog, Kigo of the Kat. You can read her haiku here.


Annie Bear said...

I love your haiku! Not only because it's about a cat, which is always plus in my book, but also because it conjures up vivid pictures in my head. Nice!


Michael said...

I think I'm haunted with autumnal black cats. One more can't hurt.

Deb Cushman said...

We love black cats and don't mind at all if they run across our path!

Anonymous said...

Perfect for Hallowe'en. Absolutely brilliant!

Christina said...

Leaves me with very cool images in my head. I like it.

Ana said...

Yes, vivid pictures and a very seasonlike athmosphere.I like it

BlueJayEye said...

simple yet intriguing, like it a lot...