Saturday 3 October 2009

Mobile Shadows

Here it is at last! A while ago, I started talking about making a mobile including the ladybirds I had painted onto re-used plastic packaging. It took me a while to come up with the design and the materials but here it is! The wood I collected from the Water of Leith, it was part of a fallen branch, that needed to be trimmed to avoid tripping people up as they walk along the path! Then I have added some outer layers from honesty plants (also collected along the Water of Leith). The paper is reused office scrap, on which I wrote:

a wrought iron fence - spotted with rust and ladybirds.

I'm hoping to make another mobile with more honesty seedpods and feathers!


Caroline Gill said...

This is just so amazingly creative, Juliet. I wonder why we are all so fascinated by ladybirds - I have always been intrigued by them. The paper quotation is the perfect Found Poem complement.

A Wild Thing said...

How fun is this, I'm constantly making wind chasers out of bits of this n colorful shadows!

Janice Thomson said...

That is a delightful mobile - great take for the shadow shot too.
Also like your blog's new look :)

Sylvia K said...

I love your mobile! What fun! And, yes, very creative! Delightful shadow shots!

Have a great weekend!


bobbie said...

Very clever of you! I do love mobiles.

Chubby Chieque said...

This is so cool. A smarty green poet I can say, §;-)

Fun shot...

Happy SSS

The Weaver of Grass said...

Absolutely lovely Juliet - and your new header with the splitting chestnuts is so green - I love it.

Jasmine said...

I love it that your art mirrors nature and your materials are kind to her too. I made a mobile recently using gorse. When you strip down the outer bark and remove the thorns, wow, the wood underneath is a treasure.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Regina said...

Oh, how sweet- over here we call them ladybugs! I think I like ladybirds better!

storyteller at Sacred Ruminations said...

Love your creative post and wonderful shadows ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

That's so cool! I love that everything is either natural or recycled.

Martha Z said...

Good job on the mobile.

Rosebud Collection said...

I enjoy well as wind chimes. What a great job you did and the shadows are great.
Happy SSS.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Love that mobile! Very creative AND resourceful.

Thomma Lyn said...

Wow, your mobile is awesome! Beautiful, unique, creative.

Annie Bear said...

This is so lovely. You must be very talented! I love mobiles and ladybirds.

Ralph said...

The opaque shadows full of color are simple - and beautiful! The mobile is itself a work of art, and reusing mundane items that might be discarded is noble. But there are no rules that says an artist must use the same mediums as other artists - your choice makes lovely art!

poefusion said...

your mobile turned out nicely Crafty as did the reflection pictures below and the mushroom pic Crafty boyfriend took. all interesting perspectives. have a great night.

Catherine said...

Lovely mobile, and the new header too. Our garden is full of honesty, more and more each year - we never plant any, it is self-sown. At the moment it is spring here so I have a border full of its bright purple flowers.

Gemma Wiseman said...

So creative and intriguing! This would look fascinating moving with a gentle breeze!

Linda said...

A Water of Leith mobile is a great thing to discover on my first visit to your blog! Thanks for your comments on mine.

Lucy said...

And here they are bêtes du bon dieu! Also coccinelles of course. A lovely idea, I like the translucency of it. What paint did you use?

Margaret Gosden said...

I love mobile shadows. I have one I have been thinking of showing. I am inspired!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

ladybird mobile
dancing like little insects
looking for their lunch

Quilt Works said...

clever way to find shadows!

Sarah said...

That is so pretty! I love the way you have used things found about the place and from nature and combined them to make a lovely delicate object. I used to like making mobiles years ago and used to use pieces of glass bottle from the shore of the river. I feel like making one again now I have seen yours!

Deb said...

I like how you've incorporated a beautiful poem in it, too!

Nia said...

You told me how hard it was to fnd all the materials you needed for this. I'm glad to see you've completed it!

penny said...

What a wonderful mobile. Its so much fun to watch the shadows dancing on the walls...

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

Now isn't that a fun thing to do?!! Quite creative indeed! Happy SSS!

Anonymous said...

Wonderfully creative!


Anonymous said...

This is a fun shadow as well as fun object that casts the shadow!

Carletta said...

Crafty Green Poet indeed!
Love the little moon shadow.

Sam said...

What a brilliant idea and it worked a treat! I love your other post too about your walk around Edinburgh gardens - the shot with the bird is so pretty!