Sunday 8 May 2022

Arthur's Seat


We had a lovely walk round Arthur's Seat yesterday. The gorse is beautifully in bloom 



and the hawthorn is starting to bloom

Lots of whitethroats were singing. Crafty Green Boyfriend caught this on camera

There were also several chaffinches, including this male

 The grey herons are nesting in the trees on the islands in Duddingston Loch - if you click on the photo below, you may be able to see a few of the nests

Further round the hill at Dunsapie Loch we had a closer view of a heron

There weren't many insects around, certainly fewer than you'd hope to see at this tie of year, but we were pleased to see this speckled wood butterfly

For Nature Notes.


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Spring looks so beautiful there!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Lovely walk with all the pops of cheerful yellow color. -- I think those "bird islands" (where so many big birds nest so close together in the trees like that) are so interesting.

Rambling Woods said...

"Gorse"....I have to look that up.....