Tuesday 11 June 2019

Ice Age Landscape at Glen Roy

Back to the Scottish Highlands for today's blogpost! 

One of our last trips during our recent holiday in the Scottish Highlands was to visit the Ice Age Landscape of Glen Roy. To get there you have to drive along a narrow, winding road through a stunning landscape where sheep have no road sense.

At the end of the road you reach a stunning vista across hills where an ice age lake used to sit and you can still see the lines in the hills indicating the old water levels of that lake.

I'm not sure how much the water level lines really show up in the photo if you don't already know where to look for them, but in reality they are quite distinctive.

This whole landscape is beautiful though, whether you notice the ice age feature or not

and the cattle and sheep are very cute


eileeninmd said...


Gorgeous view and scenery. I love the sheep! Wishing you a happy day and a great new week!

Gwil W said...

When I was in one of the Hebrides, it may have been Arran, the old shoreline was quite obvious. It was a good deal higher than present one. There are low lying places in Austria in the direction of the Czech Republic such as Eggenburg, where you can spot sharks teeth and seashells embedded in chalk banks either side of the lanes. The Pannonia. ocean came almost up to Vienna.

RG said...

Wave-cut terraces! We have them here too from glacial activity. The road I frequently drive to town has several of them! Like a roller coaster!