Monday 10 June 2019

A Field Full of Bumble Bees

This patch of comfrey and the cottoneaster bush are just full of bees on a sunny day like today

You probably can't see any in the photos but there were dozens of bees, mostly buff and white tailed bumble bees and tree bumble bees with a few common carders and early bumble bees.

This patch is in the 'Hidden Meadow' by the side of Redhall Gardens along the Water of Leith Walkway. While the Water of Leith Conservation Trust love the comfrey and are fully aware of how important it is to keep the bees happy, the Redhall Garden staff seem not to be so keen. Earlier this year they dug up loads of the comfrey to plant fruit trees (the fruit trees are obviously a good thing). Luckily most of the comfrey has grown back but last week I came across their staff and volunteers pulling out comfrey again and far more than would seem necessary to keep the tree roots clear. When I begged them to leave it for the bees they seemed really dismissive though I was pleased this week to find so much comfrey still there and the bees as happy as they always are in this little patch.

I continued my walk today as I always do when patrolling the river, up to Colinton Village and then back again along differnt paths. I made a point of stopping by the other Hidden Meadow near Colinton weir to see if the orchids were out yet. They weren't but I was delighted to see a beautiful red fox in the middle of the field. It stopped and looked at me then disappeared back into the vegetation.

1 comment:

eileeninmd said...


It must be a happy place for the bees. Wishing you a happy day and a great new week!