Friday 15 March 2019

Nuthatch and Kestrel on Corstorphine HIll

Today has been a day of everchanging weather. When I got on the bus to go to meet Crafty Green Boyfriend for a lunchtime walk round Corstorphine HIll it was sunny, by the time I got off the bus it was hailstoning! Luckily the sun soon came back out again and we could enjoy most of our walk under beautiful blue skies but by the time we got off the hill it was hailing again.

There were lots of birds around today including this nuthatch that was very happy to eat the mixed grains and seeds that we put down in the walls at the Rest and Be Thankful at the top of the hill path.

Nuthatches have only recently moved into Scotland from England. It's always so lovely to see them and you can quite regularly see them now on Corstorphine Hill or other wooded areas of the city.

On the other side of the hill we were delighted to see this beautiful kestrel hunting.

Thanks Crafty Green Boyfriend for the photos.


Simon Douglas Thompson said...

Yes the weather here has been like that this week, rain and sun at same time, then hailstorms and even abit of snow.

Lovely pictures.

RG said...

I like a nuthatch. Here one whizzes in from a hidey spot in a tree, grabs a seed, and flits back away!!!

Kestrels here as well - my friend always points them out by saying "Our smallest raptor" and
"They sit at the lowest spot on a long telephone wire!"

Pietro Brosio said...

I enjoyed your fine photos of the nuthatch and of the kestrel hunting!

Bob Bushell said...

I love Nuthatches, superb photos.