Monday 13 October 2014

In the Dells

It's beautifully autumnal in Colinton Dell just now.

The larch tree I'm studying for Tree Following is starting to turn subtly yellow and lose some of its needles. The cones are mature but haven't yet opened to release the seeds.

Last year's cones are still on the tree, if you look carefully you can see that they have opened and they'll be empty of seeds.

There were lots of birds around today, but only one wanted to be photographed. This grey heron got a good view of the river from this waste water pipe!


Optimistic Existentialist said...

Love that gray heron. Amazing shot!!

Donna said...

A fabulous tree with so much going for it including grand critters nearby.

EG CameraGirl said...

Nice closeups pf the larch cones. I love it when the trees needles when they turn golden yellow.

TexWisGirl said...

very nice! i like the fungi.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Juliet,

I enjoyed seeing around the Dells and the tree you are following.
Also loved the heron.
Happy new week

Frank... said...

Some lovely photos here, especially the heron...

Phoenix C. said...

I love the photo of the heron - it makes such an interesting composition, contrasting with the geometric ironwork of the structure it is on.

RG said...

Ah a peaceful set of pictures and words to start the week!

eileeninmd said...

Pretty nature images.. I love the Heron.. Have a happy week!

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

Enlarged the pix to see the details. Boy, I have been missing a lot! Eye doctor prescribed new glasses for me yesterday. I hope they help.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Optimistic - thanks, actually it's not a great shot, I was just lucky to have a co-operative subject!

Donna - yes, it's a great tree in a wonderful setting

EG, TexWis, Carolyn, Frank, RabbitsGuy, eileen - thanks

Phoenix - thanks, the heron seems to like posing there...

Maureen - hope your glasses work well!

Little Miss Titch said...


HKatz said...

Great post. I like the project of tree following (and I learned something about cones). I also find it fascinating how birds and other animals try to find ways to incorporate manmade objects such as a waste pipe into their lives - not always successfully, with the more toxic objects.