Saturday 25 October 2014

A Year of Insects - Moths

It's been my best ever year for moths, here's the list of species I've seen and been able to identify, with photos where available, or links to websites with photos if I've not got my own photos

Six spot burnet moth, 2 July, Musselburgh

lunar yellow underwing, 8 September, Musselburgh

latticed heath, 2 July, Musselburgh


silver ground carpet 25 June Colinton Dell
lesser broad bordered yellow underwing (?) 17 July in our living room!
  Udea lutealis 3 September Musselburgh

You can find out more about UK moths on the UK moths website.

If you prefer a book as your field guide then I can definitely recommend The Concise Guide to Moths of Great Britain and Ireland by Martin Townsend and Paul Waring illustrated by Richard Lewington and published by British Wildlife Publishing. It might not solve all your id queries immediately, as moths can be very tricky, but it's certainly a very useful guide. 

I recently blogged about A Year of Insects - Hoverflies.


TexWisGirl said...

moths can be as lovely and interesting as butterflies. :)

Rambling Woods said...

Great idea... I need to do this!

RG said...

Nice photos - not so many moths here - too cool at night I think.

Donna said...

I love seeing new and unusual moths