Wednesday 24 March 2010

Unthinkable Skies

I was delighted to come home today to an envelope containing my author copies of Unthinkable Skies. It is a lovely looking book though I say it myself. Thanks to Colin Will of Calder Wood Press for all his work on the book. You can order the book from the Calder Wood Press and overseas orders are welcome (I say that because people have asked, not because I want to brag).

I was also delighted and not a little surprised to find one of the poems from the book featured as the Poem of the Day in the Herald newspaper. For those of you who live outside Scotland or read other papers, you can read my poem on their poetry blog, here.


Gerald (SK14) said...

good to get a write-up in the Herald.

nĂ  from the treehouse said...

Congratulations, that's ever so exciting!!! What a lovely book it looks too!!!

Kari of Writing Up A Storm said...

Congratulations! Beautiful cover photo on your book! And I found your poem "Drift." I love that it is very simple and very deep at the same time. xo Kari

angela recada said...

Lovely! Congratulations, Juliet!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You should be very proud!

I'm so glad I am able to get into your blog today, by the way!

ThoseThr3Words-Claire said...

I have been dipping into your book all afternoon and I am enjoying it so much! Your poems are beautifully crafted and I feel I am learning more about Juliet as I read them. I just know Amy is going to love the book, too ~ we both relate so much to the way you capture the beauty of nature in an often encroaching urban context and I have to say I think the booklet has been so sensitively produced and the comment on the back cover by the editor is so apt. You do have a naturalist's eye and I thank you for sharing your talent with us all.
I wish you every success, Juliet.

Anonymous said...

I say congratulations, too! Love that cover-I have to admit a good cover can lure me toward a book.

Howard BME said...

Huge congratulations on being published in the Herald. It’s great that people outside of Internetland will hear of you. Meanwhile I have ordered a copy of the book from Calderwood and presumably it is in the post somewhere between Dunbar and Edinburgh …

Titus said...

Congratulations! I shall be ordering.

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Congratulations! What a lovely book...for lovely poems, I'm sure.

Caroline Gill said...

I much look forward to ordering a copy... The cover looks wonderful, Juliet. An exciting day indeed! Congratulations.

angie said...

oh, congratulations!! so well-deserved -- you must be flying!!

I can't wait to order a copy!

☆sapphire said...

Congratulations from the opposite side of the Earth!! The cover of the book is so lovely. The title is fantastic too!

Deb G said...

Oh that is so fantastic! Congratulations!

RG said...

Book news and bunny memories - pretty durn good day!

Oh said...

Dear Crafty,
Big huge wonderful "Congratulations" on your book!!!! what? how did I miss this? (yes, I am waaay behind in reading all blog friends but this is big!)
I am inspired, too! Keep at it and keep us apprised of what's next.

Anonymous said...

Glad the books arrived. I've really enjoyed working with you on it. Best wishes.

P. M. Doolan said...


d. moll, said...

:)!!!!!!! brilliant :)!!!!!

get zapped said...

Congrats! It's wonderful to see your passions and efforts materialize! Lovely.

Bill said...

That's a fine poem, Juliet. Congratulations on the recognition and on the appearance of your book.

Cathy said...

How lovely to have your work in the Herald paper Juliet. You must be very proud to that and your new book. Great cover picture too.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Thanks everyone for your comments!

Gerald - it was indeed!

Stine - good to see you can now visit me again!

Claire - glad you're enjoying the book so much, hope Amy does too, what a lovely comment btw...

Howard - I've always wanted to have a poem in the Herald! Hope you enjoy the book!

Colin - did I forget to email you? Oops!

Anonymous said...

I just HAD to check and see if I can still get into your blog and obviously I can!

Nat Hall said...

Congrats, Crafty One :)))
it was once in the clouds, it is now on each page ;)) xx

libbyquilter said...

every Christmas i give my daughter a book of poetry for Christmas . . . i will have to get a copy and save it for this years gift.

that should give me plenty of time to read it too~!~


penny said...

Congratulation, that's wonderful news. The cover is lovely too.

Regina said...

Congratulations. How wonderful.

James said...

Congreats to you! That is really beautiful. The sky upon the water.

Icy BC said...

Congratulation on your newly published poetry book!

Anonymous said...


Tumblewords: said...

How wonderful it all is! Congratulations! 'Drift' is beautifully crafted.

Gel said...

Many congratulations to you, J! How exciting!