Tuesday 9 February 2010

Witch hazel

on witch hazel flowers -
a robin sings

Crafty Green Boyfriend took this photo in the Royal Botanic Gardens on Saturday. Meanwhile the robin was flying around, feeding at our feet and then finding perches to sing from.


Caroline Gill said...

Beautiful ekphrastic Haiku, CGP. A perfect pairing of image and word.

webruci said...

Is just Amazing!!!
I love this picture. You use very good the DOF.

steven said...

hi crafty green - this is a really lovely picture. i love to look inside the water drops in pictures like this to see what i can see!! cool. steven

Deb G said...

Love both. Witch hazel is something I want to add to my garden this year.

Golden West said...

Really a nice photo, Juliet - beauty all around us!

Titus said...

Gorgeous photograph, and words to give me a soundtrack. Thanks.

mark said...

The beauty of your haiku is that it works quite well without the photo. Yet, the pairing makes them stronger.

Enjoyed both.

Kat Mortensen said...

It looks a bit like a sea-anemone, doesn't it? I love the image and the addition of the robin in the haiku makes it perfect.

Bill said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bill said...

Typo in previous posting

A Welshman posted a robin ku this morning. What's going on on your side of the Atlantic? We're expecting 12-18 inches of snow starting around midnight.

snow forecast
I take another sip
black no sugar

Anonymous said...

Ah! Spring is coming! Wich hazel is one of my favourite harbingers of spring.

Christine said...

This is a beautiful shot, the water drops are fantastic:) Thank you so much for your comment and sorry for my delay, boys have kept me busy, the oldest has finally gone back to school!

Regina said...

I dint' even know there was such a thing as a witch hazel flower!

Christina said...

This picture is just fantastic. I am patiently waiting for spring, well not so patiently. COME ON SPRINGTIME!

Anonymous said...

It looks like spring. I just left a KC Jewel, and she had posted witch hazel today, too.


Anonymous said...

lovely haiku to accompany your beautiful photo ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

RG said...

Spring is in the posts, if not in the air!!!!!!!!!

SzélsőFa said...

a great pairing of photo and poem.
witch hazel is not common in Hungary, so I did some research and found the plant flowers in October. ?
anyway, the minute I looked at the photo I felt spring :))
although we've got to wait almost another 2 months...

Crafty Green Poet said...

HI Szelsofa - its always early in the year over here, but there are different species of witch hazel and some may bloom at different times in different places...

PJ said...

How interesting to see the flower - I have some "witch hazel" in my medicine cabinet.

Captain Shagrat said...

I really like macro flower shots, this pic looks even better when you open it it up to. Nice one Crafty B

get zapped said...

Lovely - I can feel, smell and hear the call. Thank you. I hope all is well with you.