Saturday 6 February 2010

More Photos from North Berwick

I took these photos last Saturday at North Berwick, near Edinburgh. You can read more about our trip here.


Ralph said...

There is a cold breezy bout all who are on the rocky beach. The sun adds a warmth to our faces as well as leaving marvelous shadows. The seaweed leaves a mountain shaped shadow on the wet sand, the rocks behind the rock we see leave massive shadows. Chilly sea, but the lovely views the reward...

Golden West said...

Beautiful pastoral scene and what a gorgeous coastline - you can almost hear the waves crashing on the rocks!

Sylvia K said...

Marvelous captures! Love the coastal shot! And, yes, you can almost hear the waves crashing on the rocks. The pastoral scene is lovely and peaceful! Enjoy your weekend!


Enchanted Oak said...

Oh, Lord, how lovely your beach! It looks like my own here on the rocky Pacific coast of California. Don't forget to post your Simple Things this weekend as I raise my donation for Haiti.

steven said...

gorgeous gifts of images here crafty green. steven

Caroline Gill said...

Unalloyed beauty, CGP.

The North Berwick area is wonderful... not that we even quite got to North Berwick itself! I think I mentioned before how much we enjoyed Tantallon...

Serendipity said...

Lovely series. The middle one is my favourite :)

Deb said...

Stunning, stunning, stunning. Made me so happy to view.

(I haven't had time for SSS as of late, so seeing this is just what I need -- on so many levels. Thank you!

AscenderRisesAbove said...

very pretty! you have a new camera??!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Ralph - nice descriptions - thanks!

Golden West, Sylvia, Steven, Coastcard, Serendipity, Deb - thanks!

Enchanted Oak - yes I'll remember my Simple Things!

Ascender - I have now got full ownership of Crafty green Boyfriend's camera (and used that for these photos). He has got a new camera....

Chubby Chieque said...

This is an adorable place to escape. It seems cold by now but I don't care. I need that wonderful sun to add the vit-D, I need §;-)

Stunning shadows you captured this week-end.

Hope you visit me to join my fun day.xoxo

Anonymous said...

So beautiful! I would love to be there right now!

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed this series of yours.

I chuckled while reading your request that people not take your photos without asking - bad karma, indeed! :-)

A Wild Thing said...

I'd gladly walk these shores, how wonderfully mesmerizing...and your header is the sea of my dreams...beautiful...thank you!


Patti said...

Beautiful photos ~ it looks like such a nice setting. It is cold and gray here.

I like the second photo in particular.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Such beautiful photos from Scotland! So nice stopping by!

RG said...

A great looking place to just walk and watch ....

Rambling Woods said...

Oh how beautiful...I love the beach

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Beautiful! I guess that is somewhere near to where you live? I can hear he seagulls flying overhead and the sound of the waves on the shore.

Hot Fudge said...

You have brought North Berwick to my attention, so thank you for that. What beautiful images, and I LOVE the surf in your header.

Cassie said...

I am **totally** yearning to go to Scotland now. Beautiful shadow shots!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Such beautiful landscapes each with a unique beauty!

Cynthia said...

Breathtaking photos Juliet!
Makes one honor Mother Nature
all the more.

Margaret Gosden said...

Cold looking shadows but good ones for SSS. And, yes, the coastline is super to think about, sitting in the
the warmth of home!

Jazzbumpa said...

Great shots. Love the middle one.


Beverley Baird said...

These are fabulous photos - and great shadows! Looks a wee bit cool though!

frayedattheedge said...

lovely photos - especially the last one!

wanderlust said...

So lovely,what a great place to spend an afternoon!

Rosebud Collection said...

Beautiful..I always enjoy being near the water..something very peaceful about it.
Happy SSS.

Carin said...

Wow you live in a wonderful place. With the sun shining it's fantastic there. Especially like the clearness in your 2nd shot!

Martha Z said...

I always like long shadows, these are great. Love your header, great shot.

Birgitta said...

Real like your shadow shots!Wonderful capture!

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

This is beautiful! All the shadows are just wonderful..

Diane AZ said...

Beautiful shadows, and I love the golden color in the light.

Melanie Gray Augustin said...

Lovely long shadows moving across the landscape!

Dimple said...

Lovely scenes! Thanks for coming by; it was very warm for February, but I still wore a jacket.

{S.T.U.F.F.} said...

{Luv} the quietness of the shadows.

Nice post!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shadow shots. I'd like to walk along there. ;-)


Christine said...

These are really nice shadows. All of them different from each other. All of them striking.

Janie said...

Nice list of simple things, and all for a great cause.
Love the photo of the bird on your hand.

BLOGitse said...

Looks cold but I wouldn't mind.
I miss the sea, smell, sound, power...

I follow you on Twitter :) said...

your shadows are wonderful! & this place looks like a little piece of heaven too.
Isn't this a great meme?

GalleryJuana said...

I really like the third photo.

Anonymous said...

wonderful photos, thanks!

happily retired gal said...

Lovely shadows in your beautiful coastal views ... thanks for sharing.
Hugs and blessings,

Dorte said...

Beautiful place!

angie said...

breathtaking photos!

I love the shadows in the second shot -- so mysterious.

Anonymous said...
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