Friday 26 February 2010

At the Bus Stop

Edinburgh is a city with excellent public transport, though it is a shame that bus routes in some areas away from the centre are being cut back to pay for the trams that, one day, apparently, will run along what is a route already very well served by buses.
This photo is from the bus stop where I get my bus back home when I've walked along the Water of Leith. If you click on the image to see the bigger version, you can see the shadow of the tree on the wall in the reflection.


A Cuban In London said...

Good post of a city I sadly missed when I visited Scotland in 2001. My flight was into Glasgow and even then I had a coach to catch, so could not linger for long. I would love to pop by your lovely city some day. In the meantime, thanks for the image.

Greetings from London.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Sadly I would have to walk a mile up the lane to where the bus goes by, so car is necessary really. It is not so much the walk there as the walk back when I get off the bus with the shopping.

allhorsestuff said...


Carletta's Captures said...

So much to see in that reflection!
The sky was gorgeous that day I see. :)

Carolyn Ford said...

That is a very busy reflection that is full of life! Nice one!

My name is Riet said...

That is a beautiful reflection picture. so much to see.

Anonymous said...

Well captured!

I wish ALL cities had good transit. Too bad the city is cutting back BEFORE the buses have been replaced, though!

cieldequimper said...

Nice one! I took the wrong bus at the Mound I think it was. I wanted to go to Leith... ;-)

Louise | Italy said...

I love Edinburgh. It's winter starkness appeals to me somehow.

eileeninmd said...

Great shot, Lots of reflections there.

JoMo said...

Glad to hear your transit is good - here, well, it's not the greatest. Funding has halted expansion where I am. Beautiful sky in the shot...

RG said...

I would think good public transit is more than just luck!!!

Here, much public transit is after-thought or window dressing.

shraddha said...

lovely shot!

Carol said...

Nice reflection shot! And a beautiful blue sky. I like your header sot verymuch

Tom Hilton said...

Great reflections & shadows.

San Francisco has really good public transit, but we're in for deep cuts (and maybe fare increases) because the system is running a deficit. Problem is, that's a death spiral--raise fares and cut service and you get fewer riders, which means less revenue, which means you end up raising fares and cutting's all so depressing.

Ralph said...

This is a beautiful look at a bustling city. The reflection in the window shows life, busses, people and buildings. Shown here also is a lovely sky of blue and white, that lets us see how much bigger the sky is compared to anything man-made...

Public transit is not good in the USA, at least whether bus or tram, more people can get around that way.

Sylvia K said...

Marvelous! I love the beautiful reflections on the glass! What a busy, bustling city! Have a wonderful weekend, Juliet!


PJ said...

It looks like someone has invented a new form of tagging. We have buses but they're not very convenient. I group all of my chores together so it's not an option but I wish we had more of a commitment to public transportation, it would be lovely.

lazyclick said...

Very nice composition.

frayedattheedge said...

Super photo - lots to see! Travelling by bus is not really an option for us - we would have to drive into Hawick to catch the bus!

Cassie said...

Glasgow is another place I long to visit. Nice Shadow Shot!

Really love your masthead. What kind of white flowers are they? I can almost smell them!!

Anonymous said...

And the enlarged view illustrates the uncaring crude graffiti. A sad reflection on people (some of them in any case).

A Wild Thing said...

Fun to see your city, even if only a reflection!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

reflections busy like this are such a true reflection of the cacophony of life

Sarah said...

It does seem a bit silly to be cutting buses when the trams are not up and running yet. I am not sure about trams-the lines are so un-cyclist friendly! I like scratched look of the glass in the bus stop.

wanderlust said...

I love shots like this. Great!

Carin said...

Yep see the shadow of the tree on the wall! My what scratches on that bus stop.

Greetings from Holland and have a good week!

Margaret Gosden said...

Trams sound such a step backwards in time - perhaps they are more economical to run, at least eco friendly?
Wonderful shadow shot with lots of other imagery to be seen.

Serendipity said...

Lovely bit of blue sky there :)

HRG at Sacred Ruminations said...

Nifty reflections and shadows too!
Hugs and blessings,

James said...

Cool reflection. I really think the traffic lights stand out in this one.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Isn't this one of those 'penny wise and pound foolish' kinds of things? Seems like it. Lovely shadow and reflection shot (double bonus)!