Saturday 8 March 2008

Kitchen Tiger

This is cheating really, but Inspire Me Thursday's theme this week is Kitchen and I couldn't resist posting this little creature! Its cheating because a) I didn't make it, I only painted it. It's also quite old. It was originally given to me by a friend, as a kit to make a plant pot to grow cress in but now is filled with kitchen utensils. Tigers are one of my favourite animals, though rabbits certainly make better pets!

To find out more about tigers in the wild see: Tigers in Crisis


Anonymous said...

Adorable cute!

Janice Thomson said...

Have you ever read any of Jim Corbett's books? He was originally a hunter who shot man-eating tigers in India but eventually came to admire them so much he became a very strong environmentalist, naturalist and conservationist. These are very old books but give one a sense of what India was like under British rule as well as showing his great love for the tiger and also birds.

Unknown said...

that's lovely - things like that can become really precious, I used to have a tacky mug with a parrot head in the bathroonm for toothbrushes that my brother gave me, really garish but i was so sad when it broke.

Everydaythings said...

he's very cute! I used to love growing cress and mustard, they are yummy in sandwiches!

The Bunns said...

That tiger clearly disapproves of utensils in the head!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Pattie - thanks!
Janice - no I've not read any, I'll look out for them...

anjou - you're right, yes!
krissie - thanks, I like cress in sandwiches too

The Bunns - lol!

Sherry said...

Oh but he's so cute, even if you "only" painted didn't have to make him to love him -- you gave him his lovely coat and you've filled him with utensils. A perfect "kitchen" share for Inspire me Thursday!!

Anonymous said...

He's a lovely little fellow. I love tigers too.

navylane said...

aww, what a cute kitchen friend! i love that you found a use for him as a utensil holder. thank you participating at Inspire Me Thursday!

Anke Martin said...

What a cutie!!! Great idea you put all your kitchen tools in there. Smiles, Anke ;)

AscenderRisesAbove said...

very cute; for some reason reminded me of tony the tiger

Anonymous said...

This is so cute! I love his little face... although he doesn't look completely happy holding the utensils!

Deb G said...

He's very sweet!

Julia said...

Very cute and indeed, he doesn't look that happy in your kitchen :)

bonniebluedenim said...

Lots of fun!!!!!

Cherie said...

He's cute ... is something irking him ;)