Wednesday 1 April 2020

More #DailyExercise in the Time of COVID_19

The UK Government is, at the moment, allowing us out for one form of #DailyExercise once a day in addition to visiting the shops (as infrequently as possible), travelling to work (for those with essential jobs that can't be done from home) and medical emergencies including helping those who are self isolating.

Crafty Green Boyfriend and I continue our #DailyExercise through a small local park and two nearby cemeteries. Here are photos from the latest walks

 The horse chestnut buds continue to develop
and the white dead nettle is coming into flower

We were delighted to get great views of this chiffchaff yesterday. Over the past week or so we have heard these little migrant warblers  calling their name from the trees, but this is the first we have seen

Today we stopped to watch this blackbird for a few minutes before he flew off

And the waxwings were still in the trees alongside the park! It seems late in the year for them to still be here, but always lovely to see (and hear!) them though the light has been wrong for decent photos the last couple of days


Lowcarb team member said...

Yes, I am pleased we are allowed our exercise time …
Thanks for sharing your walk and photographs.

All the best Jan

Jeff said...

It is nice to be outside a bit--I've been mostly riding my bike to my office (3.5 miles each way) for exercise and because I can't go anywhere else. I get to wear shorts, and since all anyone can see of me various meeting software is my head and shoulders, a dress shirt. No one knows I'm in shorts.

Gershon Ben-Avraham said...

Juliet, I want you to know how much I enjoy your posts. I find them especially comforting at this difficult time. What a pleasure it is for me, sitting in my study in Israel, to see the nature photos that you and Crafty Green Boyfriend share! All the best to both of you. Please, keep up the excellent work.

eileeninmd said...


Yes, we do all need to keep moving and exercise. Lovely photos.
Take care, enjoy your day!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Lowcarb team = indeed, it's vital to be aboe to get outside and exercise!

Jeff - the great thing about video conferences is that you can dress as you want as long as your top looks smart. Riding a bike is great exercise!

Gershon - thanks, I'm glad to hear you enjoy my blog!

Thanks Eileen.