Monday 1 October 2018

Recycle that Bottle - or even better reuse it!

Recycle Week has come to an end for another year!

Many environmental organisations have been all over social media talking about recycling shampoo bottles. This is of course great, but you can often go one better and refill these bottles!

In Edinburgh, both the Tollcross branch of Real Foods and the New Leaf Co-op in Argyll Place have refilleries where you can refill plastic bottles with shampoo or washing up liquid or multi purpose cream cleaner or many other products. You don't even need to refill a bottle with the same product as was originally in it and you can of course refill a bottle many times! This is a great way to cut down on plastic waste and it saves money too (last time I was in the New Lead I refilled three bottles with three different products and was quite astonished by how much cheaper it was than it would have been to buy new bottles.)

If you live elsewhere it's worth checking whether your local health food shop or similar offers this service. If you know of somewhere that does, feel free to let us know in the comments!


eileeninmd said...

Hello, we try re-using some of plastic bottles. It is a great idea to refill any kind of bottles. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!

Simon Douglas Thompson said...

We just don't seem to have that locally, but then this is a rural town

Bob Bushell said...

Health food shop, beautiful.

RG said...

Great idea!!!

Lowcarb team member said...

What a good idea this is.

All the best Jan