Sunday 29 April 2018

Cute Coots and a Sitting Swan

I should have included these photos from Inverleith Park in yesterday's blogpost. The coots have had chicks and they're adorably scruffy little things

and the swans are sitting on eggs

It looked earlier last week as if two pairs of swans were nesting but this pair are quite aggressive towards the other pair - here is the male showing off

Just after this photo this swan waddled over the boardwalk then flew over to the other side of the pond and chased the other pair of swans round and round. I'm not sure that the other pair will be successful in raising young this year if they're going to be constantly harrassed! It's a tricky place to raise young anyway as there are so many people around passing very close to the nests.

Thanks to Crafty Green Boyfriend for the photos in this post

You can read more about yesterday's walk (and all the beautiful rhododendrons in Edinburgh Botanics) here .


eileeninmd said...

Hello, the coots are so cute. Love the swans too. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week!

Lowcarb team member said...

Those coots are so sweet, nice to see the swan too.

Happy Sunday to you ...

All the best Jan

Janneke said...

Adorable little coots, I usually have them in the canal in front of our house, but until now I have not seen little chicks. Swans are beautiful but often not too kind.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Janneke - the coots aren't always kind either!

almtsbb said...

Crafty Green Boyfriend has, as usual, taken spectacular pictures.