Thursday 31 August 2017

Moody Skies and Flower Lined Paths

Although we're back home from Dumfries, we're still on staycation and enjoying the local area! One of our favourite walks is from Cramond Brig to South Queensferry. It passes through some lovely scenery and on a very sunny day is an excellent butterfly walk.

Yesterday, although it was sometimes sunny, the skies were more often very moody and dramatic

We were pleased to see how the fields in the Dalmeny Estate often have wild field margins, full of flowers

these are great for wildlife and very attractive.

A large part of the walk goes alongside the Firth of Forth and offers lovely views or the water

including this view of Eagle Rock, so called because there is a worn carving on it that some believe to be a carving of an eagle

There were plenty of birds around on the mudflats, including good numbers of curlew, oystercatchers and redshanks and several groups of sandwich terns, Crafty Green Boyfriend caught this tern in flight with a fish in its mouth!

 The walk also passes by Dalmeny House

We ended up for a late lunch in a pub in South Queensferry.

The food and service weren't as good as they've been in the past, but the beer was excellent and the beer garden is lovely

though the peace is sometimes disturbed by the trains passing over the nearby Forth Rail Bridge


eileeninmd said...

Hello, lovely scenes and views. I like the beach and tern in flight. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

Janneke said...

Great to see a tern in flight with a fish, but I also love the dramatic skies on your photos.

Simon Douglas Thompson said...

Very dramatic skies up there! I saw a few of those today but was on my bike so couldn't get a shot, rainstorms in the distance, that sort of thing.