Sunday 1 January 2017

Happy New Year

It's an Edinburgh tradition to walk up (or at least round) Arthur's Seat on New Year's Say so that's what we do every year. It was busy today, not only are there the walkers but there's also a New Year triathlon!

We walked along the cliff path along the Salisbury Crags

and then back round on the lower level. At all points there are lovely views of Edinburgh

We then had lunch and met a friend for afternoon coffee and it was dark by the time we walked past Edinburgh Castle that currently is floodlit an eerie blue!


Jenn Jilks said...

What a wonderful outing!!!

Draffin Bears said...

Happy New Year Juliet.
Sounds like a lovely way to start the new year.

RG said...

Go green in '17!

Lynn said...

That's such a wonderful view of the castle!

Rambling Woods said...

Happy New Year!