Friday 25 September 2015

Anyone who likes reading, loves a good bookmark

Of course it's not so true these days of e-readers, but those of us who still read real books certainly like bookmarks. I know, you can use a scrap of paper, or a bus ticket but there's something nice about a real bookmark.... Here are three I made just recently

The blue one is made from an off-cut of felt from a felt chopstick bag that I'm currently slowly working on. I sewed some beads of a matching colour onto each end.

The other bookmark in the photo above was made from a necklace that I found in one of the bargain bags of 'broken jewellery' that I bought from a local second hand shop. I just cut the necklace to a bookmark length and will use the rest of the beads in other beading projects. I had thought about adding this one to the Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop, but Treacle showed his approval of it by playing with it and chewing on it, so I'm keeping it for myself!

The bookmark below is now in my Etsy shop. You can see it here.

And here's the latest photo of Treacle with his pal Janosch the hot water bottle


eileeninmd said...

Hello, your kitty is adorable. Happy Friday, have a great weekend!

sage said...

Yes, I have all kinds of bookmarks, but most of mine are receipts or business cards

Simon Douglas Thompson said...

Pussy cat! How the family all miss our naughty Noo-noo

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful items, they stand out, thanks CGP.

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful items, they stand out, thanks CGP.

Lowcarb team member said...

Bookmarks are very important and necessary!

Love the picture of Treacle - thanks for sharing.

All the best Jan

Geraldine said...

I love a good bookmark, they can be works of art. i try to pair bookmarks with a particular book I'm reading too. :-)

LOVE your header, just stunning. :-)

Happy autumn, G