Friday 5 June 2015

Nature in the Cracks

Today for 30 Days Wild I wandered round town looking for places where nature survives against the odds or has even started to take over. Starting with the building site up the road, where an old carpark is being developed (probably into offices and retail units rather than the housing we need).

Nearby plants are colonising the base of the traffic lights

here is a lovely specimen of the fern Asplenium ruta-muraria in an old wall

ragwort on a wall

and then I came to the temporary community garden and avenue of trees in the Fountainbridge site, where the old brewerey has been demolished and new buildings are going to be built, including a school and probably more office space and possibly student flats.

In between the trees the site is rich with plantsa, including red poppies and white clover

and various vetches including birdsfoot trefoil

So always keep your eyes open as you never know where you might find plants!

Where have you seen unexpected plants recently?

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more


TexWisGirl said...

resilient, for sure. little spots of beauty.

eileeninmd said...

Pretty flowers growing out of the cracks. Have a happy weekend!

Simon Douglas Thompson said...

The Corydalis in the railway station wall! That was a nice find.

Magyar said...

__I find these photos grand, and I wish all eyes would see this things as they are, nature at its best. Everywhere, there is nature's survival; it is. and it will be, that we all shall see.

__My haiku post of May 4th, 2011. The weeping, a rainy day:

this crack
in the weeping tarmac
a dandelion


Ian Doyle said...

Great post, cool random act of wildness too. I never really give much thought to these places until I read this, just goes to show. Thanks.

Louise said...

I love to see the places plants grow! Life always finds a way!

rainfield61 said...

Poets in green, in red, and in so many colors.