Tuesday 30 June 2015

Fabulous Flowers

the poppies and other flowers are wonderful along the John Muir Walkway in Musselburgh at the moment. 

Plenty of bees too and a flash of blue dragonfly. Two butterflies were dancing together, flying up into the tops of the trees, I thought they were speckled wood butterflies but those aren't (according to my book) supposed to be around Edinburgh). Plus I saw this wonderfully green beetle / weevil. Edited to add: this has now been identified by a member of Edinburgh Natural History Society as either a Phyllobius or Polydrusus species of weevil

and just over the sea wall I was delighted to see this group of young starlings poking around in the seaweed, not something I've seen them do before

and further along these eiders, the males in eclipse plumage. Two male mallards in the foreground.


Ian Doyle said...

Nice finds Crafty Green Poet.

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

Hi Juliet,
I don't believe I've ever seen a poppy here on the east coast -in a planted garden or otherwise. Plenty on the west coast, though, from what I see in pix.
:) m & jb who is currently sitting on the (covered) patio with me looking disgustedly at the raindrops
Oh! cool-o! Just heard a frog!

eileeninmd said...

I love the pretty poppies and great sighting of the ducks. Great series from your walk, enjoy your day!

sage said...

If I ever make it back to Scotland, I am going to have to take a stroll along the John Muir Walkway! I wonder if he thought of the Scottish poppies when looking at fields of California poppies?

RG said...

Everything out and about!

Our BIG linden tree is flowered - heavenly smell and totally abuzz with thousands of bees! There must be some good honey around somewhere!

Bill said...

the butterflies
that aren't supposed to be here
according to the book

Lovely, Juliet.

Anonymous said...

Dragonflies are very special to me - thank you for sharing!