Thursday 26 March 2015

The bees knees and the pussy willow

Of course bees don't really have knees, but the brightly coloured pollen baskets on their legs are sometimes referred to as knees. I took these photos of a bumble bee on my favourite pussy willow tree in Musselburgh yesterday.

definitely Spring now!

Bees are struggling, due to pesticides and habitat loss. This street art sums up the peril very well. 

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


TexWisGirl said...

so cute!

Sara said...

I love the pictures. Bees are very interesting. They're having a blast right now where I live. Pollen is EVERYWHERE:~)

RG said...

Our peach and Asian pear trees are blooming - hoping the bees cooperate!

Anonymous said...

haha love the street art, thought he message is very depressing (also love your bumblebee photos)

Donna said...

I love pussy willows and these are gorgeous...of course the bees out filling their pockets is a glorious sight I hope to see in a few weeks...we are very delayed with winter still here.

eileeninmd said...

Cute capture of the bee and the pussy willow.. Happy weekend!

Gillena Cox said...

Good Morning Juilet i took part in this chllenge and
I am inviting you to write a poem on love in Ten Lines if you wish to participate follow link below

much love...