Monday 2 March 2015

beaded curtain tie-backs

I recemtly made these beaded tie backs with beads from an ugly necklace that needed to be restrung plus a few beads and hoops from my stash.

The're now in the Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop, you can see them here.

You can see the other beaded curtain tie backs I've made here.


eileeninmd said...

A pretty way to recycle, lovely tie-backs! Happy March, have a great day!

Little Miss Titch said...

those are pretty,xx Rachel

Bob Bushell said...

Marvelous the tie back.

RG said...

Nice. Hey - we are still using the pencil pouch out on our beaches every week. It holds up well in all weather! New folks that come out love the story about it!

I think it was originally for chops sticks!

Rambling Woods said...

Very pretty!

Crafty Green Poet said...

thanks everyone!

Rabbits' Guy - glad your pencil pouch is still in use! It was designed for pencils or similar things, my chopstick bags are longer and thinner.

Gingi said...

I have so many beads lying around.. I need to start being crafty like you! You make the coolest things! -

L-A said...

Really nice idea for upcycling jewellery.