Friday 13 March 2015

Pussy willows

I love following pussy willows through the early spring - these photos are of my favourite male pussy willow next to the path in the bird reserve at Musselburgh Lagoons.

2 February 2015 - looking quite odd as the buds start to break

6 March - the lovely soft furry stage

13 March (today) - my favourite stage as the stamens and pollen bearing anthers emerge from the furry catkin. I took lots of photos - here are just two of them.

Meanwhile a reed bunting was singing from a nearby bush

Skylarks were singing everywhere too, up in the soft Spring air.


Lynn said...

A most wonderful time of the year! Love these photos of spring sprouting!

TexWisGirl said...

they're really neat. happy spring!

dosankodebbie said...

I've only seen the furry stage of pussy willows, and that's because we paint them every spring in my etegami group. One or another member of the group always brings a few cut branches for us to paint. You've shown me how much I'm missing by never having observed pussy willows in their natural habitat. Thank you for sharing your photos!

Gingi said...

How lovely!! I wish those grew around my neck of the woods.. we have pretty boring plants here! -